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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 10 minutes ago, animetobacco said:

    Tesla had profit of $2.5b in Q1 (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/19/tesla-tsla-earnings-q1-2023.html)

    Tesla had profit of $3.1b in Q2 (https://fortune.com/2023/07/19/tesla-quarterly-earnings-beat-shares-flat-elon-musk/)

    .6bn growth, QoQ = 20%

    Why is this so hard for you?

    I apologize if you feel gaslit-- that was me (the big dummy) trying my level best to genuinely understand your position.

    what does "profit" mean to you?

    and i mean this aside from the other very obvious mischaracterization you made while comparing the two articles. i know it wasn't a mistake because you didn't quote your linked articles even once because it would've made it obvious. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, animetobacco said:

    Then I'm world class stupid, because I promise you I'm not trying to be dense here, but I think you are wrong (where I bolded). You seem to conflate profit margin and profit, I think.

    Profit margin dips, not necessarily profit, as profit is a dependent outcome based on the variable of volume and revenue (versus cost).

    Do you see how you may have confused yourself into thinking you are smarter than literally every reputable news source who reported something similar to what the WSJ said and what IBD says here, "Tesla reported Q2 profits growing 20% to 91 cents per share while revenue increased 47% to $24.93 billion."

    Yes profit margin went down. But, because of unit of sales going up due to the price cuts, revenue and volume went up, increasing profit (even with a lower margin on every new unit).

    @NoName can you explain what you learned today to @hayden_horn?

    i realize i am no longer engaging with you but this is more for an audience of lurkers interested in how critical thinking might could be applied to poor reporting or framing. hell, even companies obfuscate as much as possible in their reporting. 

    show me in the numbers where tesla profit jumped 20%, please.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, animetobacco said:


    I *think* I see what you were trying to say now. Are you trying to say that it was the energy generation and storage business units that buoyed the profit 20% in Q2 versus the automotive segment?

    If so, that is an interesting way to try and move the goalposts, especially when your question was "i have a simple one for you: how much was tsla profit up in q2?" where you used the stock ticker abbreviation implying the question was put to the entire organization, including all business units.

    I still think you are off the reservation here (or I'm still not following and you are being very cryptic and coy for some weird reason, which isn't helpful).

    if i am being cryptic or coy, it's because you are a big dummy. 

    page 23, there's a fucking line item for profit. in fact, that line item for profit is divided between two business segments, making things easier to discern.


    so let's stop being coy and cryptic. i think you are a troll who misrepresents shit intentionally for some reason i will never understand. either that or you are world class stupid. 

    profits are different from revenues. you are aware of that. so what happens when you drop prices to drive volume? revenues pop, profits dip, volumes rise, goal achieved, as long as profit ain't your goal. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 3 minutes ago, animetobacco said:

    Are you suggesting that Tesla did not have a 20% increase in profit in Q2?

    Are you suggesting that you read the 10-Q and came to a different conclusion?

    Are you suggesting that not only do you know better than multiple main stream financial writers and beats, but that we should eschew that "secondhand" reporting and go to EDGAR, SEC, 10-Q, 10-K, etc. documentation and create our own analysis for ourselves?

    Can you clearly state what it is you are saying? Example: "WSJ and the other links posted on here are wrong, Tesla profit did not go up 20% in Q2 and this is shown on the 10-Q at XYZ" because I'm missing your point.

    you are missing my point, quite intentionally i suspect. 

    info you need is on page 23 btw. that might help you make your case. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    One other thing - did the players entrance seem extremely anti-climactic to anyone else?  Then they played the hype video AFTER the team was already on the field, which seemed weird to me...


    12 minutes ago, hobbs said:

    Yep, noticed that as well.


    6 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I've given up on the pregame band/team entrance stuff. It gets a little weirder/worse every year. 

    i think all that had to do with thrying out the light show stuff? even though it was still daylight. 

    but it was weird. there was a new sort of hype video, then nothing, then the team ran out after awhile, and that was it.

    it was loud. so loud that by the end of the game (section 31 by smokey) i barely noticed when the cannon discharged.

    there was one point when i turned to my friend and said "it's sort of weird hearing the soundtrack from my college years in the stadium" and he looked at me like i was stupid and said "dude, that's because we are the fucking demo now"


    the thing i really hate is the paying to be productized again. and again. and again. and again. 

  6. 1 hour ago, animaltobacco11 said:

    Elon Musk Watching the Auto Strike

    article cover


    While everyone is focused on who will blink first in the labor standoff between Detroit’s car manufacturers and its unionized workers, one person is already being declared a winner—Elon Musk.

    Tesla’s CEO was already enjoying a major cost advantage over his competitors thanks to more streamlined production processes and lower wages for his nonunionized workforce. Now that UAW employees are on strike and likely to see increased wages no matter how this labor dispute ends, Tesla’s edge in that area will only grow.

    Tesla’s labor costs average $45 an hour, compared to GM, Stellantis, and Ford’s estimated $66 an hour, per the WSJ.

    And if the UAW gets the dramatic pay bumps it initially sought, labor costs for Detroit’s Big Three would swell to $136 an hour, according to Wells Fargo.

    This year, Tesla has used that cost advantage to slash its car prices in a bid to maintain its commanding market share in electric vehicles. So far, that strategy has paid off: Despite the price cuts, Tesla’s Q2 profits rose 20%.

    UAW President Shawn Fain has brushed off comments that his labor action would only solidify Tesla’s dominance in the EV market. “Our concern is working-class people need their share of economic justice in this world,” he told CNBC last week.

    So, what could slow Tesla’s roll? It’s possible that the UAW strike, if successful at securing higher wages, could galvanize Tesla workers to unionize at Musk’s factories. But the UAW tried and failed to do this in 2017 and 2018.


    this article is shit. i will leave it at that, but characterizing musk as a "winner" for paying labor less is an interesting tack. but more than that it's, uh, WAY fucking more than that. 

    that website is also shit, but interesting source, i guess. i actually do kind of enjoy how you posted the gif that they posted with their "analysis." 

    generally, if your employees are striking, it's because you suck as management. that's pretty much it.

    that does not make elon any kind of wundermanager at all. 

    what is your opinion on the article you posted without comment?

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  7. 21 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

    He lay a bunch of pipe or something?

    he laid a bunch of aqueduct

    i thought we figured this shit out during covid. i renewed my registration at the office on airport in 10 minutes during the pandemic. that shit was incredible. same with heb vaccines and restaurant appointments. 

    what the fuck is the actual problem?

  8. 3 hours ago, RPM said:

    When Mikey borrowed money from Cicero he stashed it in the tomato cans for Carmen's future. That's why The Beef was always struggling, he never used the money.

    i get this. i'm not a total idiot haha.

    no i must have missed something somewhere. i know he was accounting for kbl in the books, which we now know is the tomato cans. 

    so, i must have missed the part where mikey was sliding on all the broken shit in the restauarant because he was getting cicero's money back? because when i first asked the question, i got a similar answer - carmy found the money cicero loaned mikey. why would he take so much time and waste to stash cash? he had to have been saving it and socking it away. so he borrowed cicero's money, saved the restaurant, made the money back to give carmy even footing, then killed himself?

    do i have that right?

  9. 29 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:


    The special grand jury in Fulton County investigating the 2020 presidential election in Georgia recommended indictments against Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and former GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler of Georgia. None of them were indicted by Fani Willis. I wonder if Lindsey sang and was given immunity in return.  


    i'm kind of amazed he kept up his fake bulldog bullshit given how close he is to the gallows himself.

  10. while I'm not surprised, at all, it constantly amazes me when people or companies do this shit. you're rotten tomatoes, you have carved out a pretty significant piece of consumer mindshare based on honest reviews and you throw it all away for...? what?  more, i guess. it's always more. 

  11. 2 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    I've said this before, but I bought one of those awesome Four Seasons shirts when it happened. I'm definitely not one to ever wear political apparel, but I couldn't help myself on that one. It was too good and too funny.

    But, to my chagrin, all the MAGA people in my life have absolutely zero idea what it's referencing. Not one. Their media sources keep them completely sheltered from all of the rampant embarrassments of the past 8 years.

    So disappointing.

    nah that makes it all the better. if you know you know

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