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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. so my wife and i watched the first episode of this season, and were looking at each other all "wtf" the entire episode. we haven't watched any of the other episodes, but i've been following this thread somewhat loosely. as someone who is deciding whether or not to watch this season, i can say as a slight outsider, this thread has a very "lost" series feel to it. ie, nothing being said seems to indicate that her is any closure coming and it seems that many of you have the same questions i had after episode 1 of season 2. 

    do i have that about right? is there a good reason to subject myself to all the WTFness it seems this season revels in. i loved season 1.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    In case anyone is still trying to insist that the US agreeing to this meeting does nothing to alter the perception of North Korea:

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the man who has held Asia on the brink of nuclear war for years, was loudly cheered and celebrated as he made his way around Singapore on a night out.


    KJU is already the big winner, regardless of what happens tomorrow.

    this is the strangest dynamic at play here. we know this guy is a ruthless and cruel killer and the head of a rogue state that actively oppresses his own people in a very brutal way. but people suddenly forget all that? how is that possible? how is anyone outside of north korean compelled cheering actually cheering this fuckstick?

  3. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g7-summit/fair-trade-fool-trade-trumps-tweets-spew-ire-on-nato-allies-trudeau-idUSKBN1J70CN


    Trade adviser Peter Navarro told “Fox News Sunday” that “there is a special place in hell for any leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy” with Trump.

    Pompeo, at the Singapore briefing, pointedly ignored a reporter’s question about Navarro’s comment and left the podium while he was being pressed for an answer.

    i kind of like pompeo. it's all he can do not to roll his eyes at the president's stupidity, but there he is, giving an effort for the country.

  4. 4 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Hayden stole that joke and I burn for revenge

    Oh shit did I? I really thought that was original. Fuck. Anyways, kudos for getting there first. It's possible it crept around in the back of my brain to present itself as an original thought. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I think it's uncharitable to say that BrazilHorn is "unenlightened."  His take is basically right--people with mental illness should be encouraged to seek treatment, not subjected to the type of scorn or shame that causes their "pride" to prevent them from doing so.

    But, at the same time, yelling at someone "get help!" isn't particularly constructive.  It's like telling someone with cardiac disease "run twenty miles in the Texas summer to the cardiologist to get treatment."  It doesn't do much to address the issue.

    good point, @BrazilHorn accept my apology for the harsh tone.

  6. 2 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I mentioned asylum.  And these two didn't qualify.  I suppose you could argue for a retroactive asylum or that asylum should be expanded because Mexico is a fucking murderous dump. I don't know.

    i just know that it feels WRONG. and that it feels very anti-american. i don't know that i have a great answer either. 

  7. 1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It is sad.  It's terrible.  But I'm not sure what our country is supposed to do?  Aside from asylum, how can our immigration policy be dictated by shitty conditions in neighboring countries?


    we allow refugee status. 



    Under United States law, a refugee is someone who:

    Is located outside of the United States
    Is of special humanitarian concern to the United States
    Demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group
    Is not firmly resettled in another country
    Is admissible to the United States


  8. Quote

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller has brought additional charges against President Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and a longtime associate, accusing them of obstructing justice.

    The new charges were unsealed Friday against Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik.

    They come after prosecutors accused Manafort of attempting to tamper with witnesses as he awaits trial of felony charges related to foreign lobbying work.

    Prosecutors have accused Kilimnik of having ties to Russian intelligence, a charge he denies.



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