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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 20 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    But instead, we get unexplained tech and trying to find magical codebreakers.... one who happens to be in a prison on a far off planet.


    who they don't even find, but they found another guy that is ALSO a magical codebreaker by pure fucking chance. that's was idiocy of the highest order. the casino sequence might have worked if it was truly a prison break, and they toned down some of the "these people got rich supporting both sides" crap.;

  2. 18 minutes ago, staboner said:

    actually i don't think trump is racist. he is just selfish and doesn't care about inequality

    the distinction is all over this thread actually. 

    people are yelling "racist" and then others (like slorch) yell "race baiting". really you are both at fault and both talking past each other

    issue is inequality. some people care about it (most of us) some people don't (slorches). 

    what is important is that we have parts of our society treated different than other parts. and i love that NFL players are trying to shed light on that. its a wonderful protest really, too bad they will just get bought out (they get paid shitloads) and it will eventually wash away. unless our dumbass president keeps trying to further divide, which as i type, yeah, thats his MO

    i don't think the issue is whether or not he is a racist, though i believe he is. however, he's massively self-interested and he is also aware that a not insignificant part or his 35% unshakable base is comprised of racists and bigots. and not every racist drops n-bombs, nor does a bigoted person always embrace racism. there are some shining examples of ignorant bigotry on this thread alone. 

    he's latched onto this issue for the same reason there were good people on both sides in charlottesville.  

  3. 53 minutes ago, ajax said:

    I said earlier that female characters only seem to count if they're really badly written. 

    Nobody cares when everyone loves truly badass, well written women like Sarah Connor or Ripley. You have to love the trite wastes of spaces like Holdo or Rose Tico otherwise you're considered a misogynist. 

    Rose Tico is a prime example. Kelly Marie Tran is a charming, talented actress and when you see her in street clothes shes actually cute. Yet they turned her character into an annoying sack of potatoes.

    KMT did a great job considering the garbage of a character they had her play. Its like rian Johnson was daring us to hate her. 

    yeah, i completely agree with this. i have some more thoughts on your take here, but i'd add uma thurman in for the kill bills. lots of examples of strong female roles that don't involve being a passive-aggressive bitch or essentially a side kick.

  4. 1 minute ago, kevwun said:

    Ain't no way in hell Donald Trump wrote that one.  He's never said beyond the pale in his life.

    also no Random Capitalization

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Race is a dimension of the message but far from the most important.  And the problem would exist without a race dimension and wouldn't exist if race were the only dimension.  The Left is making a mistake thinking that this is about race.  That's because they want it to be about race.

    um, the whole fucking thing is about race. billy bob is pretending that it isn't, because billy bob supports the troops and backs the blue, because them blacks were askin' fer it. billy bob is the fucking county sheriff and he's the fucking problem.

  6. Just now, phdhorn said:

    I've never had a problem with these guys taking a knee inasmuch as I've never really thought ball games are the greatest place for the anthem.  You have one, you get the other.

    However, I've never thought that this method was the most effective.  It's really not in an arena where the message is forefront, in fact, in some ways I think it kind of demeans the message because they have to "rely" on broadcasts to have a "captive" audience, the significant majority either 1) is deadset against it, and actually hinders the intent of the message, or 2) gives absolutely no shits about it, nor thinks one second about "the message;" and is more likely either grabbing the plate of nachos anyway.  

    It's kind of like the #blacklivesmatter people blocking interstates.  It's completely counterproductive and really is way, way out of the scope of the most effective protesting.

    But, whatever.

    Trump antagonized the whole situation last fall when he called it out.  But the public didn't like it even before that.  If it's a matter of simply expressing protest, fine (Carlos/Smith holla!). But if it's a matter to garner empathy or even more in depth exposure, it's totally the wrong way to go about it.  The public doesn't like it, and one can say the public is a bunch of idiots (whch has always been kind of a condescending, ignorant reaction to me, but again whatever), but it's still the case.

    If what they want to do is simply kneel then get on with the game, it's a good idea.  If they have any intent to increase empathy/understanding of the issue, it's a bad idea.

    a certain demographic of the public didn't like it, and won't like it no matter the way it is presented. that's my thesis here.

  7. 1 minute ago, TahoeHorn said:

    If this is a non-issue manufactured by Trump,  the obvious smart thing to do is not to bite - to ignore it.  They could render Trump's rhetoric useless if they used a different tactic to send their message.

    My recommendation would be to use post-game interviews as their vehicle.  That would have the support of people who think as I do, where using the anthem, flag or even the game as the vehicle does not.  My recommendation to any employee is to find a platform that you own, not one your employer owns, unless your employer endorses your use of the company's platform.

    protests are not supposed to be PC. by nature, a protest is an uncomfortable affair. that trump co-opted their message to preach to bugtussle alabama about the uppity blacks is not their fault.


    3 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    If that's the case the owners should aggressively support the players.

    well, the are the old white demographic. they've presided over possibly the most unfair collective bargaining agreement in professional sports. so, i'm not at all surprised that they do not support the players.

  8. 24 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    3) The NFL is tanking anyway.  This national anthem bullshit only adds to it.

    there is this narrative that black folks' peaceful protest during the national anthem is driving away viewers because of the disrespect to the flag and the troops and whatever the fuck else. i have a different theory. i think the nfl has reached saturation, and a natural falling off is expected as younger demographics care less about it. sure, some older demographics are going to blame the black folks' peaceful protest during the anthem, but that's so they can have their identity politics. 

    honestly, it's like people forget that it was a fucking green beret and badass longhorn football player that counseled kaepernick to take a knee rather than sit down, because of the inherent respect that taking a knee engenders. 

    oh wait. they haven't forgotten, they just aren't interested because black people are protesting. you can hear it in all the dog whistles. "these spoiled millionaire athletes " might as well be "these uppity nigras." the protest is poignant, but it's been twisted by hateful old white men.

  9. pageants are disgusting. that's all i really have to say. we wonder why little boys grow up objectifying women, when they parade around in swimsuits in trim bodies to gain an award for looking good. don't get me wrong, i'm a sinner, and i love a good looking woman. but we've got to get beyond this shit if we actually want our little girls in STEM type careers. i get alarmed enough when i see my peers' ten year olds on facebook in their dance troupes, all painted up like 2 dollar hookers. gives me the shivers.

    • Like 4
  10. 8 minutes ago, Longhornfan1024 said:

    I've seen rumors of Melania missing on here and some jokes on late-night comedy shows, but have not seen one story from a news source about her missing other than to mention her undergoing surgery about a month back.  Were real news sources actually reporting rumors about Melania missing because she left Trump, attempted suicide, had a face lift, etc.?  Or is this just another Trump mis-truth in an effort to malign the news media?  

    if anything, the media was largely conspicuously silent about it. which had the effect of making the rumors spread even more salaciously.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:

    Is there not a single fucking competent person in the West Wing who can wake up on a Tuesday and say, "Hey, the president is going to sing along with 'God Bless America,' so let's make sure he knows the words?"

    I mean, it's fucking amateur hour.  

    this is because he was not planned to stand front and center and sing. he was to speak, wave, and rejoin the crowd or stand to the side. but he couldn't help but stay planted in the middle of the chorus and embarrass himself.  it's sort of like this:


    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I lost it at "...beautiful big celebration. Actually, to be honest, its even bigger than we anticipated..."

    What a magnificent personality disorder on display. 


    at some point we are going to find out that the attendees were white house staffers and their family or something, right?

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