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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. On 6/4/2018 at 2:31 PM, hayden_horn said:

    [condescending tone]well, i think you're obviously misrepresenting the president's remarks, because you are the media and that's what you do. simply looking at something and saying it looks nice is not the same as reading it, and you know that, next question.[/condescending tone]


    8 minutes ago, Pancho Negro said:


    hahahha, remember when i posted this yesterday?

  2. Just now, Thermos H. Christ said:

    And I mean from practically day one, too. His campaign had just barely begun when he spent multiple entire news cycles railing about how he was going to destroy everyone at NBC for fucking with his off-brand beauty pageant. At the time I foolishly thought that was a sure sign of a candidate totally unable to stay on-message, unable to avoid flashing his glaring personality issues, and utterly doomed to failure on the big stage. I hope and hoped - oh how I hoped, that his whole campaign wouldn't crash and burn before I had the pleasure of watching him attempt to participate in a televised debate. And boy, he was every bit as bad as I had imagined. And he went on to do one thing after another that should have instantly and permanently doomed his political aspirations. But somehow we're in opposite land now, and none of it mattered.

    i remember when posters like escriva mocked me for calling the republican primary field a circus. and assuring me that there was no way that he republican party apparatus would allow donald fucking trump to be nominated. the circus is still in town, folks.

  3. 58 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Trump pisses on our living room rug daily and Tahoe gets offended when we have the audacity to notice it.  The word gracious and Donald Trump do not belong in the same sentence.  He is a disgrace to the office and does not deserve an ounce of respect from anyone because he has done nothing to earn it.


    he thinks the carpet pissers did this?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Why the used Trump hotel mattress? A lot of Pruitt’s scandals go to excessive spending on government dime. Doesn’t seem like the type to want a used mattress. Something seems really shady about that to me. 


    1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:

    I've been scratching my head about that as well.  I figure it's some sort of sideways suck-up to the boss.  Or maybe he just slept on one and really liked it.  But why used?  That's just gross.  

    it is the strangest thing. it seems everyone in this administration trades in the absurd, but this is way out of the realm of normalcy. who wants a used mattress? yuck.

  5. 28 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I think this portends well for fans of the baker's position in future rulings on how religious freedom will be balanced with gay rights.  Although this ruling didn't cut the baby I think it's clear that will happen.  And I think lawyers who read all the opinions can make a good guess as to how future rulings will come out.


    There was concern among fans of the baker's position that religious freedom would get trampled.  I think that concern is greatly reduced.

    i'm not sure that it does, as the court very carefully outlines the time frame during which this baker experienced the discrimination. it's explicitly mentioned that it was pre-obergefell, and that he law structure in CO was slightly different, and given these, his right to religion was stepped on. but i think it indicates that moving forward, bake the fucking cake, man.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Why the fuck is this thread 9 pages? The decision was a punt and did not address the underlying merits of whether a baker can rightfully refuse business to gays. 


    thats it. All this debate about what some of y’all feel should be constitutional is masterbatory. We have a different forum for that. 

    everyone ignored my post saying the exact same thing all the way back on page 3:


    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    Good thread Hugo.

    when the first lady is unexpectedly hospitalized for a relatively benign procedure, then is not actually discharged as usual, but held for the better part of a week, then disappears from public view for the better part of a month, there are going to be rumors. confining them to this thread is actually a pretty good move.

    • Like 2
  8. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/city-leaders-left-with-no-easy-answer-on-ordinances-addressing-the-homeless/269-561503540


    AUSTIN -- The Public Safety Commission debated on Monday if ordinances “primarily targeting homeless people” should be taken away.

    The ordinances allow for those with the Austin Police Department to give homeless people tickets for panhandling, camping or living in public areas, or sitting or lying down in downtown Austin.

    Marissa McGovern said she’s lived in Austin her whole life and works downtown. She said she’s noticed a spike in the homeless population in the recent years.

    “Every day we're getting accosted, harassed by people trying to solicit money,” McGovern said. “And then when we say no, they get more aggressive, more physical, name calling, things like that, where it's kind of already not a very safe place to be.”

    She said the ordinances allow her to call police to get help.

    McGovern said she hopes they can find a better solution.

    “I actually want to help work toward a solution that involves more beds for the homeless, more shelters,” McGovern said. “I don't think repealing these ordinances and letting people sleep on the sidewalks is really helpful to the community, it's not helpful to the homeless, and so I think they need to look into other solutions as opposed to just taking out the ordinances.”

    The public safety commission voted and wants the city manager to get ideas from homeless and community members to see if the ordinances are making things better or worse for homeless people.

    The commission is also asking city leaders to work to fund and expand community-based solutions so people facing homelessness can get connected to social services efficiently and effectively.

    i don't really have any good answers here. i've long contended that arresting non-violent or criminal homeless people is a terrible answer. but at the same time, it's gotten quite aggressive downtown. to the point i don't want to go down there. when i was down there for a convention, i couldn't go a couple of blocks without our little party getting hit up for money.

  9. 9 minutes ago, retread said:

    A man who argued nine cases before the SC doesn't have an opinion about that question?

    he's got an opinion, he just cannot honestly say it because he thinks it endangers him politically to contradict trump. it is really that simple.

  10. 7 hours ago, Red Five said:

    I’m guessing we won’t be seeing those Lando and Boba Fett movies anytime soon. Or the two Solo sequels.

    it's too bad, because i think they laid some solid framework for solo to go on having adventures. maybe it's recency bias, since i just saw it yesterday, but i really enjoyed myself. they did a fairly good job of making you like characters and then killing them. the table was set when rio died pretty early on, as well as val's death. rio's line "mom was right, dying alone is the worst" was particularly poignant for me.

    i'm still a little puzzled by the big enfys nest reveal? am i supposed to know that face for some reason? i only just now found out that they were keeping the actress's identity secret for some reason? what am i missing?

  11. 12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Brisket makes me want to buy Jim Baker buckets


    every time you post one of these, i watch it in a weird mix of humor and horror

    haha, di he really say god spoke to him and that the buildings in LA will all fall down because it went democrat?

  12. 5 minutes ago, woohorn said:

    Think grocery pick up is diff than ship 2store. Stores now have special grocery pickup areas around the side with huge signs and special spaces so you sit in car and they bring it to you car at assigned time.

    GP hit on my prob with all the grocery delivery systems- substitutions. Esp problematic at Walmart because stocking is so bad.

    all i know is that this increases the shopping cart density at heb in the aisles, as the have those stands there for the employees to aggregate items on lists.

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