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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. Quote

    German magazine Wirtschaftswoche reported on Thursday that Trump had told French President Emmanuel Macron he wanted to stick to his trade policy long enough that Mercedes-Benz cars were no longer cruising through New York. That share prices of BMW (BMWG.DE), Daimler (DAIGn.DE) and Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE).

    The Trump administration launched a national security investigation last week into car and truck imports, using the same 1962 law that he has applied to curb incoming steel and aluminum.

    from my reuters link above

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    wait, what ?!


    jesus fucking christ. there is no long term strategy here. we are at he whims of a man-child. and congress is very concerned. very, very troubled, but will stand by and do nothing but abdicate their responsibility to rein in this fucking tyrant.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, staboner said:

    ok so now tariffs on steel and other materials from allies in Europe and North America. 

    Makes perfect sense

    WTF happened to free trade. 



    WASHINGTON/PARIS (Reuters) - Washington will impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the European Union, Canada and Mexico from midnight on Thursday, ending months of uncertainty over potential exemptions and sharply escalating the risk of a trade war.

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told reporters in a telephone briefing that Washington would proceed with plans for a 25 percent tariff on steel and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports, although he said the door was still open for negotiations without specifying what measures could be taken.

    “We look forward to continued negotiations, both with Canada and Mexico on the one hand, and with the European Commission on the other hand, because there are other issues that we also need to get resolved,” Ross said.

    The tariffs, which have prompted several challenges at the WTO, are aimed at allowing the U.S. steel and aluminum industries to increase their capacity utilization rates above 80 percent for the first time in years.

    it's fucking madness. the party of free trade has turned into the party of protectionism. are we sure we're not in some simulator where some demonic asshole is just ramping up the absurdity notch by notch, in effect, boiling us like frogs, until we hit a breaking point?

  4. it is concerning. it wouldn't necessarily be, if this president was more reserved. it used to be we could go days without seeing the first lady. but it's been nearly three weeks, after what was supposed to be basically an outpatient procedure. something is weird.

  5. 4 minutes ago, SizzleChest said:





    lulz indeed. it would be different, alyssa, if her entire career wasn't built on being a sex symbol, and if her every selfie wasn't a picture of her ass.

    • Like 1
  6. man, i don't like dragging family members into it, but her disappearance is highly suspect. i'm guessing the face is still swollen from the most recent facelift. but there ain't no way that tweet is her in her own words. a woman wouldn't typically write "where i am and what i am doing." that's a dude trying to act female. a woman would typically write "where i am and how i'm doing," and follow up with that, not how hard she is working. she's been out of sight for two weeks now. that's concerning.

  7. 11 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Ah yes, arming teachers. That'll help.

    Narrator in five years: it didn't.

    i don't think i would want my kids teacher strapped in school. these people are already criminally underpaid, now we want to arm them in the classroom and charge them with the responsibility of fighting back against a school shooter? can you imagine the potential for utter chaos in this situation? jesus, in the pantheon of bad ideas...we already expect teachers to do everything for basically a song. and now this.

  8. 11 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Part of not voting for Trump was recognizing that he was an entertainment personality with no business running a country.  Cruz doesn't have that problem.  I'd guess more people were willing to go against their R upbringing based on the fact that the guy is a joke than the guy is just hateable.

    it's a good point. but the flipside to that coin is that hillary was universally reviled by red texas, and still managed to get 43% of the vote.

    that said, i'm not sure where they make up the 8% unless they really get out the vote.



  9. 20 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:


    "U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, holds an 11 percentage point lead over U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-El Paso, in the race at the top of the November election ballot in Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll released Wednesday."


    this is interesting, because of the talk about the 2016 election. trump only garnered a little more than 52% of the texas vote. hillary got something like 43%. people hated hillary, with good reason. but rump didn't win those votes, interestingly. he barely scored a majority.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    How many real deal Marxists are employed at Huffington and Mother Jones?  As a point of reference, the publication linked below is something I would consider "far left."


    the thing is, one only has to lean slightly left to be a "far left" publication in the eyes of the shrillest media bias critics. it's a matter of perspective, when one is so far to the right side of the spectrum, any moderate voice or influence appears so far away from their normal that it must be radical. this is in evidence on this board with certain posters.

  11. 1 minute ago, 'stache said:

    Not sure the context of this statement. But it’s crazy that some people truly believe that not saying racist shit is somehow a problem of political correctness. This is where we are in America, in 2018. Fucking lunacy.


    i'm pretty sure we all know the context of that statement.


  12. 14 hours ago, SKJ said:

    So many of you wouldn't have even survived a month of what a lot of criminals have been through. Some choices look like choices, but aren't.

    It's always great to have angels like slorch wearing his "history" as a badge of honor, shitting on life experience as some holier-than-thou priest of bootstrapped success, but let's be real here. 

    Slorch would've been a fucking corpse in many, many situations, especially say, being homeless at 15. Granted, this is not an excuse for crimes, but it does explain a lot. Of course, you always have those that were saves by Daddy Warbucks, or some other shit, that act as if they did it all on their own, but they didn't. That's why it's completely disingenuous for someone to act as if they were on their own, but never were completely and fully on their own at such a young age. 

    We all do commend you, slorch, for your unbreakable will and your unshakeable faith in knowing and earning, solely on your own, your full success, but you're not the rule, you're the anointed example for all of us weaker, more pathetic individuals to follow. 

    Maybe some day we'll all be as amazing as you.

    Having said that, I do realize many people are much lesser creature than he, but what if they haven't committed a crime in 20 years? What if they've put 2 decades worth of education and perfect, crimeless job history behind them? I realize there's no substitute for being a demigod like Slorch, but at what point does it stop?

    But no, really, I'm done on this subject because I know it's all fantasy that it'll ever change, but really... All of you motherfuckers that have no mercy and will never support giving people a second chance, even if they've murdered a few worthless pieces of shit in their lifetime, you all deserve all the crime that befalls you... You cocksuckers are creating it with these fucked up policies, and therefore, you pieces of shit should suffer it.


    14 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    You sound perfectly rehabilitated 

    actually, he completely does, if you've followed his story for the past 5 years or whatever from the other site.

    20 years of keeping your nose clean is what we need our convicted felons to do. at what point is what we extract enough for them to rejoin society? while skj is an admittedly extreme case, he wants nothing than to work hard for a living and succeed. THAT IS WHAT WE WANT HIM TO DO, RIGHT? if so, we go an awfully far distance to make sure he cannot. it's fucking shameful.

    i've posted about my sister before, but she got caught with a little too much meth on at traffic stop, and is now a convicted felon. it's completely ruined her life. as if the addiction problem was not enough to overcome, she's effectively barred from jobs she at which she would otherwise do very well. but that scarlet F is too much for employers. the result has been a fairly broken life. when people become unemployable, they hang out with other unemployable people and the results are sadly predictable.

    fuck our justice system. it's a joke. justice my ass.

  13. Just now, TornACL said:

    Cocaine is a hell of a drug, eh Roseanne? 

    yeah, it's a trainwreck with some kind of dependency written all over it.

  14. 7 hours ago, Mole said:

    While very minor, I think in hindsight we'll look back at the pulling of her old show — to the extent that we'll look back on this — as a negative reflection of our politics. It's a strange response.

    nah, trash heap of history and all that.

  15. Quote

    garcIn reply to Wycliffe_03 • 1:59p L
    BallerStaf2003 said:
    No. Not everything is racist....

    But definitely calling a black person an ape is racist. Is that something you do at the workplace?

    Give me a break. 

    Seriously, it's like this board has a different set of rules for society that don't aftually exist.
    Wycliffe_03 said:
    Did you know that Valerie Jarrett was a touch black before this whole ordeal? I sure as hell had no idea...i highly doubt the vast majority of people know this either...or Roseanne for that matter.

    Pretty sure she wouldn't have said this knowingly about a black person. That is obvious career suicide.

    No one knew. Everyone thought she was Arab/Persian.

    White America needs to wake up before its too late. 

    Its going to get a lot worse than this. 

    i like the capitalizing of "white america."

  16. man, this one takes the goddamn cake:


    pfo 1:56p LAG
    Anybody here think Chris Rock or any other black comedian's show would get canceled if they tweeted what Rosanne did?

    Me neither!!! It's just more anti white crap! 

    Many times I've heard Chris Rock and other blacks say some incredibly racist stuff but that's ok.... because they're not white!

    And that my friends, it exactly what leftists want! 

    Remember we whites need to hurry up and die so that the tsunami of indigent, uneducated non whites can continue to flood over our southern border and turn America into Venezuela!


  17. so far, this is my favorite reply:

    PMC2012 said:
    I find it interesting that liberals push evolution as science... saying we all came from monkeys and apes but it's racist to say a person looks like or resembles a monkey or ape.
    Macarthur said:
    Um, yes, it is. 

    Absolutely incredible that this board doesn't see the racial tone to this. Of course, this board is tone deaf so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

    Please explain how it is racist and NOT inconsistent with the "theory" of evolution?

    I personally don't believe in evolution so I can say that could be racist because I believe ones value is determined by be a creation of God. But if someone believes in evolution and we came from monkeys how can they argue saying someone looks like what they came from is racist? Further more aren't all races evolutionary by products from apes? Why then would a black person have racial protections against being compared to one if a white person being compared to an ape isn't considered racist?

    Either they (liberals) have to disavow evolution and then can claim an ape comparison is racist OR realize an ape comparison is inline with their scientific beliefs. They can't have it both ways. 

    Now for clarification I do not think that comparison should be made. But I say that on the grounds that we did NOT evolve from apes. That we are ALL God's creations from Adam who was made from dirt and not a monkey. Therefore I find such comparison as demeaning and inconsistent with moral behavior.


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