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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 6 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    Sure.  I agree they should be shamed.  I disagree that's the end of it.  

    It may be time to acknowledge that what we (as a society) have been doing for the last few decades is merely driving the racist shit back behind the curtain.  We aren't actually dealing with it.  It's accumulating.  And, with the power of internet, the idiots behind the curtain can build connections and validate their positions.  Normal folks watch network TV and feel good that racism has been eradicated.  The racists watch network TV and stew about the totalitarian state oppressing their views.  And both situations are troubling.  Then a guy like Trump comes along, sends dog whistles to racists while the normals have no idea why it should be a problem. 

    I don't know what the best answer is.  But certainly it's worth acknowledging the unintended consequences. 

    But none of that has much to do with my first point.  I wish the normal cycle with Roseanne had a chance to play out without her saying racist shit that gets her pulled off the air.  When that second shoe drops, it will be some weird ass interview that few will pay attention to.

    this is the thing: there are a LOT of racists out and about. mostly they are those who loudly proclaim we are somehow in a post-racial society, when that is not the case at all. you can see it pretty plainly even on this website. it doesn't take much to figure out the code words they use to communicate. you can see it in real deal society, when they fish out those code words to see if they are in like company. it's like a whole other language, but sometimes they forget to speak in this code. roseanne fucked up, and showed her true colors. there is no justifying that tweet. there is not "whoops, i made a bad joke" going to work on that tweet. that's a racist's true colors coming out. fuck her.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, HenryJames said:

    Just asking questions.

    it's fucking amazing. he posts from a template. "hey, guys, i don't know anything about any of this, but let me list a litany of questions that favor only one side of the matter."

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Anastasis said:

    The addition of "goat rodeo" to my vocabulary is the best thing to come out of this affair. 

    agreed. total goat rodeo is going right into my lexicon

  4. Just now, Dr. Teeth said:

    Okay, maybe he is a genius. He just sold a bunch of coins that nobody would have bought before today. 

    no he didn't. i'm still getting 


  5. 1 minute ago, GRHorn said:

    So, are people really surprised by this?  This guy bases his whole philosophy on bring a "dealmaker".  Seems like he's using basic negotiation tactics.  He doesn't like the way it's going, so walk away and apply further pressure.  What am I missing?

    because this administration cannot negotiate their way out of a wet paper bag.

    he got pissed, because north korea called the VP a dumdum, because pence went on tv and said what happened in libya could happen in korea. what a devastatingly stupid thing to say if peace is your goal

  6. 16 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    This kind belongs in spirit even if I don’t know if a white person called on him. I grit my teeth watching this video.  Cop so keyed up every sentence is a confrontation.  Black dude so calm you might think he’s on the verge of falling asleep.  Backup called, surrounded, taken down, tazed.  




    Brown was arrested on Jan. 26 in a Walgreens parking lot and charged with resisting arrest after police claimed he approached them menacingly while they were writing him a ticket. 

    this is the most infuriating shit. they should not be allowed to arrest someone for resisting arrest if there's no reason to arrest them in the first place

  7. 2 minutes ago, Homercles said:


    I got ‘service not available’ error on my phone trying the Deal Of The Day Link lulz


    i finally got the goddamn shipping to calculate. i hit place order again and i got another

    Service Unavailable
    HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

    if i've somehow managed to buy 3 of these, i can't decide if i'm pleased with myself or pissed

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