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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. http://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/graffiti-at-austin-high-school-calls-out-alleged-rapists/1190956064


    AUSTIN (KXAN) — Graffiti that appeared overnight at Austin High School makes some serious claims about an alleged rape related to the school.

    The graffiti appears to be black spray paint along the side of the school, with three phrases. One of them says "This school tells Rapist to 'keep thier (sic) head low' while they tell the victums (sic) are told 'sucks you got screwed ... no pun.'" Another claims that those who work there are "Loyal to the Rapists and not the victums (sic)."

    Austin Independent School District says the administration is looking into it but doesn't have any information at this time.

    The Austin Police Department said an investigation was conducted by the APD Child Abuse Unit and the case has been closed. APD said it could not release additional information because the case involved a juvenile. 

    there is a teacher's name hashtagged.


    and someone else is called out.

    also *victims, *their

  2. Just now, Fozzz said:

    I liked his baldfaced lie that if any other Middle Eastern country sought nuclear weapons they would be treated the same way as Iran.  This admin lives on another fucking planet.

    yeah, he even brought iceland into the mix. it's refreshing, however, that he doesn't seem to despise the people asking him questions.

  3. pompeo just said in his remarks "we are still working toward june 12." when asked to clarify about what trump said earlier, he merely repeated himself "we are still working toward june 12."

    further, when asked about trump's remarks about china's influence possibly undoing the summit with kim, pompeo just smiled tightly and outlined how important china's role has been and how important their "historic assistance" has been. very different tone from trump this morning calling xi a world class poker player, and insinuating that the chinese influenced kim negatively. it must be hard coming behind trump and picking up the pieces of shit he unintentionally breaks when he opens his mouth.

  4. i'm kind of cross posting, but schumer tweeted this today:

    during his remarks with president moon today, trump called ZTE a "phone company." this is further evidence to me that he man has no idea what he is doing.

  5. Just now, Lagunamadre said:

    They might as well not even hold these press conferences. Her response to damn near every question is either "I don't want to get ahead of that" or "Ask (insert somebody else)" or the most infuriating "I've already addressed that, we've been clear on that", which undoubtedly they have not.   

    the main reason for these appears to be to throw shade. today featured a "chuck schumer would be the very last person we would seek advice from about a deal" or something similar. ther's no reason to be so ugly, despite schumer's criticism of trump.

    in his press conference today, trump called ZTE a "phone company," which further indicates to me that he has no idea what he's doing.

  6. she is dreadful at this job. and she's just hateful. i stayed home to work and i'm watching her sham of a press conference where she's just ugly and confrontational to the press pool. all the while, she finds inventive ways to say "i don't know." she adds zero value.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Actually, women, whose status was largely marginalized in the competing pagan societies and relatively elevated in the Christian circles, were perhaps most responsible for driving the growth of Christianity. Please stop talking out of your ass.  Some people here have actually studied this stuff.   


    • Haha 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Assuming there are no fires of course, don't firemen get to sleep during the night of their 24 hour shift?


    2 minutes ago, riloh05 said:

    have no idea. never been a firefighter, just a teacher. i do know that firefighters are called out for all sorts of things including car wreks, 911 calls/emergencies, etc...

    well, knowing a fireman, yes, they can grab some shut eye depending on the station and the shift. they can also play video games, workout, or do any number of things between calls. hell, the guys on the station on manchaca are always out playing ping pong and shit. none of this minimizes that job, mind you.

    the point i'm trying to make (and i'm doing a terrible job at it, frankly) is that teachers deserve more than a 0.88% CAGR on their decade of experience from year 10 to year 20. we should want more 20 year veteran teachers than for people to look to the private sector (as my wife has started to recently consider.)

    we should WANT my wife in the classroom. she's a fucking fantastic teacher, but it's starting to wear on her. i bet it would feel differently if she was valued more.

  9. Just now, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    Have you ever gone though a no-go Sharia controlled zone?

    lulz. no, because that is a myth. 

    when i go to london, i stay in whitechapel, which is in tower hamlets, home of the largest number of muslims in the city. i feel less safe over at liverpool station when the pubs close than i do in whitechapel. 

    and i've been all over europe to where these no-go zones are supposed to exist. they do not exist, you simpleton.

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  10. but yeah, there are no 8 hour days. my wife gets to school at 7:30, gets home at 5:30, has about a half hour lunch, during which she works, and then she grades papers and does lesson plans in the evenings and on weekends.

  11. Just now, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    Just thought it was funny they shot up a "cultural centre". Damn it must suck ass to live in Euroop.

    actually, i have many coworkers who happily live in europe. i travel to europe a couple of times a year on business. europe is fantastic.

  12. Just now, Jack Burton said:

    Firefighters work a 24 hour shift

    which i pointed out earlier in the thread. then they get 48 hours off. they work one out of every three days. i'm not minimizing firefighters here, it's very important to note. i'm making a case that these "time off" arguments shouldn't apply to teachers, unless they do for firefighters.


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