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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 1 minute ago, bolverk said:

    I started taking the MetroRapid buses about 6 months ago and fucking love it. No more worries about traffic. I can relax and surf Shirley; I'm walking a little more (exercise, yo!); and, occasionally, I get a chance to spot a particularly attractive coed. Of course, I work downtown so that helps a lot.

    Mass transit, whatever the form, is going to have to be a major part of the solution. Sure, we can build more roads, but we can't build them fast enough. And, with more limited funding today (relative to the past), we can't build as many as we used to.

    i know you're serious, but don't call us shirley

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Eastwood said:

    Any job becomes a career if you let it. You've probably been waited on before by someone who is called a "lifer" by the other wait staff there. Your issue is that you are confusing "job" with "career" and missing the crucial elements between them. One is goal setting. Does this person have a goal for the job that they have accepted. It's a complicated answer. If the answer is "I spent $80k on this English degree and now I don't know what to do," that teacher currently has a job, not a career. If the answer is "I want to mold young minds for the rest of my life and participate in any opportunity to advance in my chosen field," that teacher currently has a career. 

    All the power in the world to those teachers who truly have a career. Meh to those who are just using the position as a holdover until something better comes along. I think teaching salaries should match the police and fireman scales. There is a huge pay jump at year 5 for a reason. Prove to the system that you are there to stay, even after you have encountered all of the lows that the profession brings. Then we'll talk money.

    matching it to the police or fire salaries would make a lot of sense to me, though police and fire unions would probably pitch a fit because they are putting their life on the line.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    48.5k anywhere in the US for an experienced teacher is too low, even in Pecos.



    i would tend to agree with you, honestly. i was just trying to point out that COL variances should be considered.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I doubt that. But if we weren’t would it matter?   They kicked the shit out of Arabs by themselves in 48.  The average Israeli must have 30 points or more advantage on IQ compared to the goat fuckers.  

    i just suspended jimtom for making "raghead" comments. please, refrain from using goat fuckers as a racist way to refer to arabs. let's restrict that use to refer to aggies, please.

    • Like 8
  5. 2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Lets go with "higher than 48.5k".


    well, let's go with "$48.5k in pecos is probably pretty good." it's needs to match the local COL, and austin is way out of line with the reality of living in austin. ideally your teachers would live in or close to the neighborhood in which they teach, but none can really afford that in austin.

  6. 7 minutes ago, JimTom said:

    Man, I'll pray the knock off a few more idiots.  

    That's 74 less idiots running around.  Lot's of rag heads out there ya know.


    that's a 14 year old kid dead on the lower right. 

    edit: source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5725195/US-set-deeply-controversial-Jerusalem-embassy-move.html


    sraeli snipers kill scores of Palestinians and wound 2,400 as 35,000 protesters rally against the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem overseen by Trump's Middle East envoy Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka
    US moving embassy from Tel Aviv today after Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December  
    Israeli snipers have killed scores of protesters near the Gaza border with more than two thousand injured
    Mass protests taking place with Palestinian government accusing Israel of committing a 'terrible massacre'
    Comes after al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri called for group's followers to carry out jihad against the US 
    Russia says embassy move risks increasing Middle East tension as Turkey says US is now 'part of the problem' 
    The Arab League is planning to hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss America's 'illegal' embassy move 
    US President's son-in-law and Middle East envoy Jared Kushner said opening showed US could be trusted and that when 'Trump makes a promise, he keeps it'



  7. Just now, irishtexan said:

    Clearly you don't have any kids. 

    Yes, tere are bad teachers. But the solution to this problem can't be "because some teachers suck, and because performance evaluation is so difficult considering the various demographic/environmental variables that must be accounted for, you're all fucked and deserve to make shit for money." That's fucking lazy and an insult to the people that work very hard to educate our kids. 

    And your slippery slope argument about social workers has no place in this. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about teacher pay.

    The problem with "don't like the pay, find a new job" is that eventually you're going to be stuck with a bunch of fucking idiots teaching our children. As I said before, teachers don't do this job to get rich. Most teachers i know just want to be able to afford a modest lifestyle. I don't think that's asking too much.

    here's the thing, and it's a simple capitalistic concept. you increase the pay for teachers, then the job becomes more competitive. more qualified and competent people would stay in the job, and allowing for actual performance management would allow principals leeway in letting underperformers go. it works in the private sector. it could work in the public school sector. but the priorities are misplaced, and we are seeing a national backlash of underpaid teachers.

  8. hell, you can gamble on soccer matches IN THE FUCKING STADIUM in the uk.

    i think the cries of doom and gloom are silly. how we allow for horse racing and the lottery and not other general sports is so hypocritical.

  9. i mean, it's whatever, from a human rights perspective, right folks?


    At least 52 Palestinians were killed on Monday in Gaza and more than 2400 others wounded as the Israeli army fired live ammunition, tear gas and firebombs at protesters assembled along several points near the fence with Israel.

    The demonstrations, which coincided with protests against the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem, are part of a weeks-long protest calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees to the areas they were forcibly expelled from in 1948. 

    Since the protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed at least 90 Palestinians in the coastal enclave and wounded close to 10,500 people.



  10. 19 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    They were being punished because they violated the Iran sanctions.

    they are being punished (crippled, if we want to look objectively at it) for repeated false statements to the US government. they violated the iran sanctions, and paid their penance, but we also stuck a corollary on there that they had to punish the executives responsible. they instead gave many of them bonuses for successfully selling into iran.

    and it's not like wilbur ross would have done this without donald's approval. he just did not think through the ramifications of such a severe sanction on zte. they have to be popping champagne bottles over at huawei.

  11. 3 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    Exactly and I agree. Basically one of two things happened 1. A black guy became president and he went nuts or 2. The ruskies started paying him to troll as a well known poster on a popular site.

    Or like old Forrest Gump said, maybe both of dem are happening at the same time.

    The Russians didnt pay him. He was swayed by those Russian trolls. It's a sign of a weak mind and his is that, given his issues. It's sad. 

    He was always a sort of hateful cuss. I remember when circa 2008, he crowed about calling into Ed Clements' show at the time. Ed had said that out of all games that season, Lubbock at Halloween worried him the most. Ed's reason was "strange things happen in Lubbock on Halloween." Swam called in and told him he thought that because he know nothing about football. 

    And he was proud of that. 

    Yeah, about that. A strange thing happened that Halloween in Lubbock. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Meeting over but I'm on mobile so can't link it myself. Avenatti last twitter post teases about something and I dont think it is this at all. But a guy named Brian Krassenstein broke the news on that post. Gleason wasn't  their lawyer because he didnt take the case but took the info they told him about schniederman to Cohen via a reporter and Trump. Looks like it happened when Schniederman was dealing with Trump University. 2012 or 2013. 

    Again, i don't think this has to do with Avenatti's tease.


  13. 1 minute ago, burntorangebongos said:

    You can't ban lobbying and not all of it is unethical. There was a man who hired a lobbyist to try and make tax filing free and simple. He lost because turbo tax and H&R block spent more. His name is Joseph Bankman, a Standford law professor who helped create ReadyReturn that would take the headache out of filing. There are thousands more examples like him trying to use lobbying for good. It is the money that needs to be controlled to level the playing field. 

    exactly. it's the money. citizens united really fucked us in the long term in regard to campaign finance. i'm not sure how we unring that bell without an amendment at this point.

  14. 2 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    I love how “evangelical” has become a dirty word. 

    and why do you think that is?

    evangelical is what christ calls christians to be. spread the good news and all that. 

    but what evangelicals have become in america is something very different, especially when we approach it from a political standpoint. it's become a self-identified voting bloc, and, similarly to traditional black churches, preach politics from the pulpit.

    but also, this is why:


    White evangelical support of Donald Trump is at an all-time high, according to a new study. The poll, conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute in March, found that a full 75 percent of white evangelicals surveyed had a positive opinion of Donald Trump, compared to just 22 percent holding an unfavorable view. Among white evangelical men, that number is even higher — 81 percent

    trump is a horrible, odious, sinful entity. he's the polar opposite from evangelical christian. and yet they've warped their world view to support him. it's uncanny. and it's part of the reason that evangelical has become a dirty word. it's because evangelicals like to lie in the dirt. they played themselves.

  15. 4 hours ago, Mole said:

    I guess I roughly fall under the term if we're talking theology. I didn't vote for trump and consider his election a great moral failing by our country. He's morally unfit for office, corrupt, and generally a disaster. I also greatly dislike the politicization of the church. As bad as it's been for the country, it's much worse for the church. The anti-faith zealots should be rooting for a slow burn of politicized religion; not so much that we turn into the Taliban but enough that we're too busy marginalizing ourselves seeking worldly power to actually be the church.

    That said, the mental games you have to play to get from evangelicals largely supported trump to evangelicals are white supremists is pretty substantial. But hey, we all need a good enemy and it's easier if our enemies are somehow less than us.

    You ever hear of cowboy church?

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