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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. On 4/30/2018 at 9:40 AM, longhornmatt said:

    I watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for the first time in forever recently.  Maybe I’ve just turned into an old man yelling at clouds, but all I could think about is (a) Ferris is basically a sociopath and (b) how did I never realize what a jerk he is until now?  When I was a kid/teenager it never dawned on me that he wasn’t a hero. I must have been a little shit back then.

    that's the thing about the movie. it's not at all about ferris. 

  2. um, of all places, deadspin fucking nails it:



    When I write that CNN politics writer Chris Cillizza is the rankest assbrain in the Western Hemisphere, I am not being nice to him. When I write that God clowned Chris Cillizza before he was born by making him Chris Cillizza instead of a shit-eating maggot, I am being unkind. When I say that Chris Cillizza himself is the punchline to the cruelest work of absurdist comedy in the history of the fucking universe, and that the title of that work is On the Origin of Species, I am being mean. Likewise it probably is downright nasty for me to write that on the whole American society would benefit greatly by Chris Cillizza being fired out of a large cannon into an even larger cliff face. But I am not bullying Chris Cillizza. Categorically, I cannot do that.

    “Wolf’s treatment of Sanders was bullying,” Cillizza wrote on CNN’s website yesterday, because he is an obsequious slimeball even more slovenly with language than his forebears were in the dispensation of their chromosomes. He’s referring to the standup set Michelle Wolf, a comedian, performed at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night, somewhat at the expense of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a brazen, knowing, and hugely powerful enemy of the free press and deceiver of the public by trade. As you’ve surely read by now, Wolf joked that Sanders’s makeup—her “perfect smoky eye”—is made of the ashes of the facts she burns.

    That’s about as gentle a way as anyone could come up with to lampoon the single most relevant fact about Sanders and what brought her to a station in life that would make her a reasonable subject of lines in a White House Correspondents’ Dinner monologue in the first place. A frank and honest description of who she is and what she does would be much more harsh: Every day, Sarah Huckabee Sanders plants herself, by choice, between the public and the facts of what’s being done at the very highest levels of American executive power, and does her damnedest to break and delegitimize the means by which the two are brought together. She is one of the most visible and powerful people in American civic life, and she uses her visibility and power—she chooses to use her visibility and power—to confuse the public and degrade its grasp on the truth, rather than to inform or empower or serve it. Her willingness to do this on behalf of Donald Trump, day after day, and the unmistakable teeth-gnashing relish with which she does it, are the substance of her power, and the reason why anybody knows who the fuck she is at all. What history will remember about Sanders is that she is the scum of the fucking earth, and not the jokey means by which one comedian pointed out this inarguable fact—and that’s only if the senile rageaholic pissbaby moron on whose behalf she shames herself on television every day doesn’t annihilate the human race, first.

    It should surprise no one that Cillizza, an amoral rat whose professional existence, like Sanders’s, is predicated entirely on cynical indifference to truth or fact or consequence, would recoil at that indifference being the subject of vocal scorn, or at the possibility of that scorn receiving praise from any sector of the public. The possibility that there might be even as mild a social tax as a hired comedian firing a few acerbic but harmless owns in your direction attached to the business of cosseting and flattering entrenched power must be scary for him, because he is a coward and because, if the well-earned opprobrium of actual real human beings can penetrate the social strata he’s spent his life sliming his way into, it implies he might get his literal fucking head chopped off somewhere down the line, and that people will be broadly okay with that. But it isn’t bullying. Michelle Wolf can’t bully Sarah Huckabee Sanders any more than I can bully Chris Cillizza.

    Bullying happens along a gradient of existing power and reiterates it. That’s the difference between bullying and a fair fight: The bully is bigger and stronger and safer, and wields those advantages over someone smaller and weaker and more vulnerable. Michelle Wolf got off some zingers at Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s expense at an ultra-exclusive social event entirely filled by people whose livelihoods Sanders holds in her hands. Beyond that, as a basic function of her job, Sanders enjoys access to the water main of American political consciousness unmatched by pretty much any living person not named Donald Trump—a privilege she uses only and entirely for the purpose of pumping poison into it, aided by a healthy plurality of the people in that room but not by Michelle Wolf. I doubt there is a forum in existence in which Wolf could do anything that would qualify as “bullying” the press secretary of the President of the United States, but even if there is, the fucking White House Correspondents’ Dinner isn’t it.

    This isn’t only a semantic point. It gets right to the heart of what makes Chris Cillizza an almost inconceivably atrocious and failed human being. Bullying is a real thing with real consequences; by definition, its victims need help from those with the power to give it. Arranging the events of Saturday night’s awful scumbag party such that the relatively unknown truth-voicing comedian is the bully and the vastly powerful press secretary is the victim provides a rhetorical basis for Chris Cillizza, himself the holder of an exclusive and relatively powerful station in American political life, to do what he always does and always has: give aid to the powerful at the expense of the weak. That it’s a false and dishonest basis matters less to Cillizza than to perhaps any other living person. To even accuse him of knowing it’s bullshit would be to grant, in the absence of any evidence, that he has any concept of truth in the first place.

    You can’t bully these people. It’s simply not possible. You can only smash and annihilate every trace of the structures that empower them.


  3. 3 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    The constant lying is setting a terrible precedent.  It needs to end as soon as possible.

    we all know that politicians tell strategic lies; they have to, it's a part of the job.

    the lying we have on display here is the compulsive kind - lying about things because it cannot be helped. it's like my deadbeat sister - she'll lie about what she ate for breakfast because she can't help it. it's not helpful, nor does it benefit her in any way. these are the types of lies that trump and his administration tell every single day. there should be a light shown on that every single day as well.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Pods said:

    There's no reason for any of them to attend. The press have a job to do and improving relations with the White House is very low on their list of responsibilities. If the press is properly doing their job, almost any administration should spend a fair portion of the time pissed at them. 

    that's the thing. the press should be up any administration's ass all the time. that's their job as the fourth estate. the administration should not take the press enema personally, either. putting up with pesky things like facts and questions about policy and statements made is part of their job. they fucking work for THE PEOPLE.

  5. Just now, Chad Fuck said:

    There's a dozen down list bands that I'm interested in.  Not a bad line up this year to my tastes.

    yeah, pretty much all my complaints regarding last year's lineup have been addressed. my personal taste is very featured in this year's lineup, and that's why i pulled the trigger after five years or so of not going

  6. and i don't even really care about mccartney...i never used to go for the sunday headliner. the national, chvrches, st vincent, sylvan esso, manchester orchestra, the wombats, the breeders, parquet courts, and yeah, even metallica are big enough draws for me

    • Like 2
  7. 57 minutes ago, deech said:

    She did not.  No faux outrage will change that. 

    Oh wait, she did.  About herself.  She said she had fucked up hair and no tits.  That was the only negative commentary on a woman's appearance she made. 

    yeah, that's kind of the funny thing. there is some serious projection onto her remarks.

    yes, we all know that SHS has a hideous appearance. however, it wasn't her appearance under attack, it was her character, and in trying to defend her, conservative voices are decrying attacks that actually did not happen. it's almost as though there is some cognitive dissonance going on...

  8. 1 minute ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Nobody is saying that Joy Reid is the greatest issue of our time.  Just that what she did should be unacceptable for a journalist and that it's a knock on MSNBC if they don't fire her.  For the cover-up alone. 

    yeah, it's pretty silly of her to expect people to believe her on that weakass shit. own it, apologize for it, and move on. "i've grown a lot as a person in the intervening time frame, and i apologize for having those views then. they weren't okay then, and they are not okay now."

    done. americans don't always need their pound of flesh. people are allowed to make mistakes.

    • Like 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Saint Tacky said:

    "Question for those who have seen it - I didn't understand one thing:"

      Hide contents

    I thought Rocket gave it to him and chastised him for not cleaning it before putting it in.  Did the Lannister Imp provide him with a new and improved eye?


    No I think you are right. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Question for those who have seen it - I didn't understand one thing:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Why didThor get his eye back, and generally improved hair/skin when he got the new axe?



    the dwarf gave it to him. i was doing a bit of day drinking at alamo, so i don't remember all the details, but he popped it in and at first, it didn't work properly. not sure about the looks and skin stuff, though.


  11. i'm surprised at this feigned outrage. 

    this is exactly what the comedian wanted. the whole thing was a demonstration of how we have as a society, accepted crass behavior in our leaders and those that represent those leaders. some of the media outlets have specifically focused on her criticism of SHS. fuck that shit. that bitch gets up and lies every single day. not obfuscate. not mislead or refuse to answer. say what you want about spicer, but SHS is beyond the pale. the smokey eye comment was fucking funny. maybe it's lies. savage, and yet it really brings home the point in a succinct way.

    what she did was shine a light on the cockroaches, in the press, in the leadership structure, and she did so unapologetically. that's the way it SHOULD be. if that monologue left you uncomfortable, then i think a good question to ask is "why?" why do you give a fuck that some comedian was disrespectful to the denizens of the swamp, and the press that enables their behavior?

    • Like 4
  12. 1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    The interview didn't happen today and "this broad" didn't control the timing of its publication. Maybe Nunes & Co. knew the Veselnitskaya reveal was coming and rushed out their report to counter it. 

    i could be convinced on your line of thinking.

    my overall point though, is that this broad is playing at a certain type of game to delegitimize our system, and she no doubt has a specific plan or instructions on how to effect this plan.

  13. 4 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well, her credibility may be kinda shot to shit.

    the game she's playing, her credibility is supposed to be shot to shit. i think that's the reason for the recent move of the chess board. you think this timing is at all curious?

    Last year, Veselnitskaya denied having worked for the Russian government in an interview with NBC News. According to the Times, however, Veselnitskaya now appears to be backtracking from her prior denials.
    The newspaper reports that in the interview with NBC News set to air on Friday, she says, "I am a lawyer, and I am an informant" and that since 2013, she has been "actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general."

    how fucking curious that mere hours after this happened:


    (CNN)The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released a redacted version of the Republican report on the committee's year-long Russia investigation, in which, GOP members say, they found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and disputed the intelligence community's findings that Vladimir Putin tried to help elect Donald Trump President.

    that this broad decides to break her silence? chaos is the goal here.

  14. yeah, i can't think this can be overstated what's happened here. i know trump can and will claim all the credit, but he's not there facilitating anything. this seems more organic following the olympic detente. i don't know what un's game is here, but if it is an easing of korean tensions, then i can't help but think this is a fantastic development.

    i mean, this picture alone tells a thousand stories:


  15. 1 hour ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    Fox and friends rant from a couple of days ago aside, his tweets and and transcriptions of speeches read much worse than his spoken word.  He should stick to a script and stay off the Twitter. When on script he is not the worst public speaking president I have heard.

    news travels so fast and so often that yesterday's news already feels like "a couple of days ago."

  16. 3 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    That's the point.  He's not hardcore.  Regular core.  And that's no longer what the NRA represents.

    pretty much what i was going to point out. posrep.

    the thing is, cabowabo is displaying the exact kind of attitude that gets us dana loesch. 

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