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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. i like how they are selling doomsday shit for a "donation" in order to keep their tax-exempt preacher status. if this isn't blatantly politicking from the pulpit, i don't know what is.

    also, i'd like to know what booze/pill mix the broad has, because she's practically floating.

  2. 17 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I think when you say "multiple" you mean "zero". I would be interested to see where spanky was actually called a "racist".

    There is a tendency among white conservatives to imagine accusations of being racist where none exist.

    further, he's posting on this thread for his stated reason of decrying false claims of racism. after all, these guys WERE trespassing for two minutes before the cops were called, and then arrested for the same. i'm sure, CERTAIN, that their race had NOTHING to do with the cops being called and their subsequent arrest.

  3. Quote

    President Trump is a flash-bang grenade thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America. The fact that his first year as Commander in Chief disoriented and distressed members of the media and political establishment is not a bug but a feature.

    The same cultural safe spaces that blinkered coastal elites to candidate Trump’s popularity have rendered them blind to President Trump’s achievements on behalf of ordinary Americans. While pundits obsessed over tweets, he worked with Congress to cut taxes for struggling families. While wealthy celebrities announced that they would flee the country, he fought to bring back jobs and industries to our shores. While talking heads predicted Armageddon, President Trump’s strong stand against North Korea put Kim Jong Un back on his heels.

    President Trump is doing what he was elected to do: disrupt the status quo. That scares the heck out of those who have controlled Washington for decades, but for millions of Americans, their confusion is great fun to watch.

    Cruz is a U.S. Senator from Texas

    holy shit, that is somehow worse than i thought it would be

  4. On 4/1/2018 at 3:53 PM, Chuychanga said:

     One of my kids participated in one of the walk outs.   We had previously talked about the issue extensively so I knew he had a decent understanding of it and a clear opinion about ideas for change  he wanted to bring attention to, as well as the reasons the other side thinks his ideas are stupid.   After talking with several of his friends after the walk out I was pleasantly surprised how well informed they were as well. I’m not saying they could sit out there and win a debate on national TV about it, but they are much more aware and educated about current events than me most of my friends were in middle school.   Those of you yelling at clouds and bitching that  kids just want out of class and that they know nothing about what they’re protesting are pretty much doing the same thing unless you’ve chatted  with a few of these kids yourself. 

     And even if  I didn’t like it, my kid has cumulatively missed more class while taking a shit during 4th period than he missed the day of the protests.   The missing school part is a complete non-issue.   You’d be surprised how much time in school is spent on non-academic tasks.   They didn’t miss anything that’s not easily caught up on at home that day  

    The principal at our school was clearly proud of the kids who walked out that day as well as those who stayed. He made time in homeroom classes that week to have discussions about both sides of the issue. From what I heard, he spent part of that day walking through classrooms and  thanking those who stayed behind for their dedication to the classroom and spent another part of the day outside smiling next to the students who were chanting.  Kids have different opinions and he was happy to let them all exercise them that day.

    this is a good post. i genuinely think that kids today are far more woke than we were. they have their issues as well, but so did we.

  5. 13 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    One of the most difficult parts of these discussions is the fact that guys like spanky don't realize what they don't know, and are sure that their lack of knowledge of something is proof that it didn't happen. He's utterly unaware of the fact that many prime-grade minority borrowers, who didn't even apply for subprime loans, were nonetheless fraudulently given subprime loans prior to the housing market collapse because those were more valuable to the lenders.

    this is very well said. but it won't make a dent in the reasoning of the chrispy's of the world. because he is intentionally being obtuse.

  6. 1 minute ago, Catdaddyhorn said:
    11 minutes ago, Chrispy said:
    Yeah, I saw a lot of that. I saw zero crack, that was in another stratosphere. 

    The very fact that crack is a whole nother world of bad but other drugs don't create the same level of "oh that's bad" for you is a prime example of how racial perceptions creep and guide many actions in our society. In this particular case it's criminal justice. In other's it's schooling, housing, employment you name it.

    the fact that he is so blind to it is telling.

  7. 13 hours ago, Jimbaround said:

    Are you changing your settings on a computer or a mobile phone?  You may need to go to a computer and go to the notification settings under Account Settings.  Seems to work for me.

    i'm doing it on my laptop. unless i'm doing it wrong, which is always a possibility

  8. i'm getting both on my mobile, which is tremendously redundant. 

    i did go to the notification settings. i have "do not send me notifications" clicked, then when i scroll down, the only email notifications that are greenlit are:

    I receive a message

    I am added to a conversation


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