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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Good point. America really is a rudderless ship right now.

    it is from a presidential standpoint, but we have the joint chiefs who actually do understand both tactics and strategy, even if our president only understands the former.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Sawbonz said:

    Fuck trump. He’s a moron. This is the morally correct response to a horrible situation. 

    i tend to agree, especially from a multilateral standpoint. i do not have to like trump, as a matter of fact, i loathe that he is our president. however, there is a certain line i feel, when it comes to gassing women and children, that MUST be answered.

    about the only criticism i can muster is that it took so long, but coordinating with the UK and france, as well as getting assets in place could take some time.

    it's a strike also against russia and russian interests, which is a first for this administration, outside of twitter threats. which were stupid as fuck.

  3. 2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Would you let your kids watch the Avengers/Marvel movies?  Then yes.  

    They clearly want boys watching this (giving that he's friends with the robot/alien, and that's a huge part of the series).

    i ask because the original was clearly for kids, iirc. 

    and yes, i let my boys watch the marvel movies.

  4. 2 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    I'm wondering if Trump had to look up the definition of the word "candor" before deciding whether or not to be enraged by the DOJ report.


    and bonus video of the best words


  5. 5 minutes ago, Mr. Drummond said:

    Were they gringos sitting on the beach drinking fruity drinks ?  if not, don't caaaare.


    even that isn't as safe as it used to be:


    In an ongoing investigation, the Journal Sentinel has uncovered a barrage of terrifying experiences vacationers have had while staying in all-inclusive luxury resorts and visiting nearby tourist areas.

    In most of the cases, the incidents ran contrary to the conventional wisdom offered to tourists by travel agents selling trips to Mexico: Just stay on the resort and in the tourist areas. You’re safe there.

    The travelers told the Journal Sentinel they were following the rules. They weren’t drinking too much, wearing expensive jewelry or flashing cash. They didn’t go out looking for drugs. And the few that left the resorts went to the popular tourist stretch of Playa del Carmen to shop, dine or dance and paid close attention to their surroundings.

    The victims were young and old, male and female. In some cases they blacked out in pairs — tall, hefty men losing consciousness at the same time as their petite wives, half their weight.

    They never expected they would black out after a couple of drinks, get abducted from their luxury hotel room, or robbed and beaten nearly to death in a taxi. They didn’t realize they would be met with hostility from resort staff, police and hospital workers when they sought help.

    The Journal Sentinel confirmed the reports through interviews, receipts, hospital and police records, photographs, court documents and other research.

    Last May, Jennifer Drinkwine, her husband, and their three kids traveled from Colorado to the Iberostar Paraiso del Mar, the same resort where — just four months earlier — 20-year-old Abbey Conner of Pewaukee, Wis., drowned in the pool under suspicious circumstances.

    Drinkwine’s 19-year-old son drank a beer with dinner one night, then the family went to the resort club to listen to music. He did not order anything to drink. After a short time the rest of the family was ready to head for bed; their son wanted to stay.


    there's a ton of stories of possible drugging on the resorts in and around playa.

  6. Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Hey fuck you very much .  You'd have elected the  biggest, corrupt POS in American politics so you're welcome  that didn't come to pass .

    instead, as a nation, we are left with the biggest corrupt POS in american politics. awesome.

    this is fine.

    • Like 2
  7. 31 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    what is their mission?  what would they do if they actually achieved power?  Conservatives actually know what they want to do.  

    lol wat

    if they knew what they wanted to do, wouldn't they be able to, um, do it?

  8. 30 minutes ago, TheFlyingBoat said:

    I can't believe an official party Twitter would do that. Jesus Christ they're full of shit.

    here's where i think brisket takes unfair criticism for his fatalistic recent takes. that's the fucking republican official twitter account, fully embracing trump tactics. brisket is right. the gop = trump. they are all in. it makes no sense.

  9. haahaahahhaha comey's book contains a passage where trump addresses the pee tape. thought about asking comey to investigate it to prove it untrue, because he was worried his wife might believe it

  10. 1 hour ago, DanRydell said:

    Someone who campaigned for Ag Commisioner by touting his evangelical bonafides is a piece of shit? This is my shocked face.

    this always cracked me up.

    "as ag commissioner, my christian value and my opposition to those LIBERAL OBAMA policies (none of which really affect the role i am seeking, of course) will help me represent texas values"

  11. 2 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Have you met Swam?  Most R’s are complete hypocrites.  Ryan and Trump are the perfect leaders for the deplorables.  

    you know, this is an interesting example, and it's one of cognitive dissonance. there are many people who are republican who massively undervalue the role of the government in their own lives. we know swam takes disability from his truncated military service. we know he did cash for clunkers. i know people in my family who hated obamacare while on the ACA. farmers take massive incentives from the government and largely vote republican, who are largely ostensibly against such entitlements.

    it's like approval ratings of congress as compared with the success of incumbents in elections. everyone hates congress, but not their own congress critter. of course, many republicans will not have the benefit of voting for incumbents, as they seem to keep stepping down.

    • Like 1
  12. mack brown's legacy is a complicated matter. people get hung up on the championship, and rightfully so, but that ignores the shockingly inept coaching of the half-decade prior.

    mack's biggest issue is that he was a reactive coach as opposed to a proactive one. he made changes oftentimes in a very tardy manner, after the goddamn plane crashed into the mountain.

    some posters pointed out his strong special teams performance. he focused on this after the 1999 opener against nc state, where they blocked nearly every punt we attempted, giving nc state 16 points and a victory.

    he could develop strengths out of weakness, as that displays, but it happened after the disaster. 

    however, he could also develop weakness out of strength in a reactive manner, and that was displayed by the terrible handling of the simms-applewhite situation. he sabotaged both quarterbacks because of his inability (and his goddamn offensive coordinator's) to develop them both. his constant rick barnes style "fuck with their confidence" of coaching never works, and frequently grinds talent down. he basically made every wrong decision in that debacle, and chose to react in a manner to apparently never have a viable backup ready and rested on the bench. the reason he left simms in that disaster in dallas against colorado was because he took heat for pulling one or the other too soon in earlier games. again, that was a REACTION.

    we never lost a game that i recall after being pantsed against ou in dallas in the early part of the century. frequently, our gameplan or personnel would change after ou fucked our mouths. reaction to adversity and assrape. cedric benson, vince young, the examples go on and on.

    hell, he had no respect of the big xii coaching fraternity, because of the stoops influence, and that was the result of stoops owning his ass, and also resulted in that 2008 bcs debacle.

    the reaction, however, that figured most prominently in his being shown the door was to try and be alabama after alabama beat him. he completely changed his recruiting strategy to recruit players to a game style that went against nearly every offense in the state of texas. this, more than anything, was the harbinger of the end. the reason he got lazy recruiting was that he deluded himself that he was recruiting to a smashmouth football style, and that beef would beat speed. that wasn't texas high school football, though. that may be deep south sec football, but it wasn't here. the result was players being put in a position to fail too often. it resulted in a massive dip in oline recruiting, and that was that. 

    the mack cultists that say we fired him despite being in contention for the big xii - yall crazy. there was no way we win the conference that year. and he should've been gone in 2011. 

    his legacy is one of frustration and wasted potential in my opinion. he was a mediocre coach, at best. he definitely did not get the most out of the talent he managed to recruit to campus, and anyone who argues otherwise needs to remove their face from their own anus.

    • Like 3
  13. so, my 55 gallon trash bin has gone on walkabout. put it out on monday, came home monday, and it's gone. i have no idea. i've looked up and down the street, but cannot find it. 

    so, i call the city of austin utilities to report this missing trash bin and to order a replacement. process is fine, then they drop in on me at he end "it's going to take two trash cycles to replace the trash bin."

    WAT. "i'm sorry, did you say two trash cycles? so two weeks?"


    "uh, what do i do with my trash in that time?"

    "set it out with a note that your trash bin is missing."


  14. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    If Rosestein personally authorized the raid, he may actually be a little less prone to manipulation than we might have thought.

    to build on this and put the pieces together, remember when sessions and rosenstein dined together as a show of unity?


    this happened after some particularly harsh trump criticism:


    and then this recently popped:


    is it possible that his own justice department is gunning for him in some machiavellian revenge script? normally i would say no, but we are through the looking glass here.

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