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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 54 minutes ago, AnonymousInternetPoster said:

    Put as much lipstick on the pig as you want.  London and their mayor are a laughing stock.

    yeah, as otherwise stated, london is fucking fantastic. i love that town, and i feel safe while there. and i stay in whitechapel. haha.

    that said, i've been reading about this supposed post-code war and it does sound like a bunch of stupid teenager gangster bullshit. the mayor is probably going to tell the metropolitan police to make life very difficult for any teenager caught with a blade. saw in one article, stop and frisk is a strategy. it will probably work to some degree. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Lulz.  Just went to see what the spin was on the_donald. 


    They will make one up and plant evidence if that's what it takes to unlawfully unseat a legally elected President of the US. I've never seen anything like what is happening now. POTUS has been under siege since he took office. This is alarming and disgusting. Wasn't Mueller supposed to be investigating Russia meddling in the elections? Now he's raiding offices for porn star payment information? Shouldn't he have some limits or is this a fucking free for all? 

    He exceeded his limits a while ago. He’s a rogue.

    that is hilarious. i mean, never mind mueller didn't raid anyone's offices today.


    well, that we know of.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Hounded by the right and embraced fully by the left.  How do you not understand that dichotomy ??  Again ignored the actual example and pull the ........... wait for it.... straw man argument out yer butt.

    argue to me that roy moore wasn't embraced by the right. argue to me that donald trump is not embraced by the right.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Again 3 factual examples of people the left has loved for decades and ignored their issues because they were democrats.  I also said both parties have horrible people in them. Howz' about dealing with those three and the lefts love affair with them.  Were they republicans they'd be hounded by the left relentlessly.  Howz' about just dealing with Kennedy, since this is a Kennedy thread.


    Lets just see if a republican candidate who was a grand wizard in the KKK, would be given a pass by the left if he said he wasn't a racist anymore.  I'll wait..  Lets see a republican candidate embraced by his party for decades after knowing he hid the murder of a woman because he was too much of a coward to own up to his crime.





    um, those three people were hounded by the right relentlessly. what you do not realize is the hypocrisy you embrace here in trying to highlight hypocrisy. you flat out said "There's only one party that welcomes actual murderers and sexual assaulters to its ranks (and allegedly ex KKK grand poobahs)."

    and that's not at all accurate. BOTH parties have shitty people, but you can't take the shine off yours, despite characterizing yourself as non-partisan. the act is getting old, dude. you hate democrats, we get it. you want to talk about kennedy, let's talk about kennedy. 

    ted kennedy was a complex individual who killed a woman and got away with it. you seem to think he was okay with that. i doubt that, but you are entitled to that opinion. he should've been punished like anyone else in that situation. he wasn't. that is not a partisan issue. that is a class issue. there is a massive imbalance in our justice system between those with means and those without. that is a non-partisan issue.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Yeah I did. I said both parties act in their own selfish self centered interests.  Byrd made  comments later in life that counter hIs alleged repentant ways (he called people "white niggers", not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant as a compliment).   Dude was a hard core KKK type racist and died one.

    Oh yeah sorry you're right I did say one party has blatantly embraced people who have committed the acts I spoke of. Clinton: sexual assaulting pig, Kennedy: a murderer and sexually assaulting pig and Byrd: a KKK card carrying racist.  Again prove me wrong.

    i don't know that i want to contribute to this idiocy, but you damn well know republicans have sexual assault issues as well. jesus christ, a serial statutory rapist nearly won a senate seat in alabama. don't do this "one side" shit. i know we deride "both sides-ism" around here, but in this case, actually both sides have these issues. because people can be terrible. let's not place false ideals based on your own partisan politics.

  6. On 4/5/2018 at 8:33 AM, Bottlecap said:

    Favorite band going right now. REALLY hope they don't play ACL, but i think thats where we're headed. Hopefully they'll do a midweek show.

    one of the coolest aclfest moments i've ever had was that sunset show in 2010. it was great as usual, but the eagles were starting and matt drolls something like "i think we were supposed to stop before they started, but we have one more song." then he paused and says "it's okay, i asked glen frey and he said it was okay."

    then they just fucking KILLED a version of about today. still get goosebumps thinking about that. left immediately after because i hate the fucking eagles, man (but also because i knew nothing was going to top that)

  7. 1 hour ago, washparkhorn said:

    Amen Brisket. 

    Journalism is in dire need of reform. We need a strong "Chinese Wall" between news professionals and entertainers. CBS - to their credit - kept that wall in place better than any other major news division for many years (they eventually had to give into market forces that required a melding of news and entertainment). 

    The non-stop commentary provided by journalists on entertainment programs (Maddow/Hannity) creates the appearance that news professionals are biased. Reporters should report and rarely, if ever, provide their personal opinions on hard facts. And they should never become the story (see Jim Acosta's transformation from a reporter to a news topic). For those of us old enough to remember Watergate, there has been a fundamental shift in how news is reported. During Watergate, we were provided with original content (the actual hearings were broadcast in their entirety on most networks). The ability to access the information directly allowed the public to hear the evidence from the horse's mouth; today, we hear secondhand interpretations from reporters who provide their own spin of the news. There is very little difference between propaganda and opinion. Reporters need to stick to the facts and provide original source material whenever possible. The reliance on unnamed sources (with God knows what agenda they are pursuing) further weakens the credibility of reporters. Unnamed sources have their place in moving the news forward, but must be viewed with healthy skepticism and not be mistaken for fact-based news.

    My last soapbox statement: the public craves facts. When reporters repeat the same angle on a story as the angle promoted by political operatives, the public should be skeptical of whether that news is biased and coordinated. The better reporters identify who is spinning what story. The best reporters also find non-establishment perspectives. 

    are you the for really real washparkhorn?

  8. 17 minutes ago, Vito Andolini said:

    Anyone know which reporter was able to actually get Trump to acknowledge the existence of Stormy Daniels, which led to the subsequent Avenatti cartwheels? They’ve been waiting for that domino to fall for quite some time.

    yeah, he didn't even just acknowledged her existence. he said he had no knowledge of the agreement, which would seem important.

  9. 1 minute ago, retread said:

    With guys like W or Obama, you could go several days or even weeks without knowing what the President was up to. You just assumed he was doing his job.

    yeah, and the scary part of it is, there are actually too many WTF things going on to keep track of all of them. to top it off, it seems our society is sort of becoming conditioned to accept this new absurd reality as the new normal. that's fucking terrifying.

    • Like 2
  10. Quote

    “We have to have strong borders," the President said. "We are going to have the wall. We've already started building it. We have a billion six. We are building it and fixing miles and miles of wall that’s already up and fence. We're going to have our wall, we're going to get it very strongly, the military is going to be building some of it, but we're going to have very strong borders and we have to change our laws and we’re working on doing that.”


  11. 2 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    At some point? I say wtf every day. 

    oh, no, i mean i do that as well. every single fucking day.

    but i mean, when this is all over, assuming we haven't been melted in a thermonuclear holocaust due to this petulant child's irresponsible rhetoric, maybe 10 years from now, we are going to look back at this and think of nixon as a true patriot.

  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5582741/Ivanka-Latin-America-promote-womens-economic-power-issues.html

    the president and the first lady, folks.


    Ivanka Trump will be a part of her father's official delegation next week as he makes his first trip to Latin America since taking office. 

    A senior official said Thursday that the first daughter who volunteers her time as an unpaid adviser to President Trump will be making the trip to Lima, Peru, with the administration for the Summit of the Americas.

    'She'll be championing women's economic power issues in the region,' the source said.

    First lady Melania Trump is not going on the trip, her spokeswoman said, citing the upcoming state dinner at the White House and the president's summit with the Japanese prime minister at Mar-a-Lago.



  13. also, i fully believe in the idea of licensing certain classes of weapons. the discussion would get a bit complex at that point, but i think handguns and multi-shot long rifles are probably classes i would consider. i would not consider a shotgun, i don't think. completion of a gun safety course would be part. this is more about preventing accidents than mass shootings. 

    maybe a suggestion: everyone who wants to own a handgun has to have a CCL. or something like that. i don't know, just spitballing here.

  14. the issue with registration and licensing is the second amendment. that's the argument.

    however, as a gun owner, i'm not against registration. i think transfer of ownership should be tracked, and that there should be some kind of penalty for owning an unregistered gun. ie, you inherit dad's single shot 410? fill in a card and mail it in, or something like that.

    i don't fear a massive gun registry. i understand that those who do see it as a natural first step to the government coming and getting your guns. but here's the rub - gun advocates are going to have to give some inches here or the anti-gun people WILL eventually take the whole mile. this zero-sum game bullshit is going to come back and bite us responsible gun owners in the ass.

    this way, when someone is convicted of a felony, we know they have three registered handguns, those are surrendered. this way, when someone is declared mentally "dangerous," the registered guns can be surrendered and held in escrow until such time they are deemed "stable." you can do what you want with the terms, but i think that is reasonable.

    i know the privilege of driving is not enshrined in the constitution, but comparing the number of boxes we have to check to 1) have a DL, 2) maintain a street legal car to that of gun ownership is a complete incongruity for me. 

  15. yeah, when heading out west for whatever reason, i try and stay in the right lane. i don't believe in ghosts, but that stretch of road has a haunting feeling when driving it, like the number of people who have died there have left an impression.

    we lost a hornfans poster and his daughter on that road back in the day, yeah? mojica?

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