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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 50 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I do not want to stop the sale of firearms or confiscate from responsible owners.  I think if you were more honest,  you'd admit you have a lazy, bullshit opinion to convince yourself and others that we need to just stop talking about gun control. 



    I tend to agree with this. And as I opined on the old site, gun advocates need to get in on this conversation or they may find themselves without a seat at the negotiating table in the future. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, PhillyD said:

    This might be a good place for dumbfucks like me.  I'd like to use this thread for tips on navigating the site.  Anyone know how to go to first unread post?

    it's the little icon next to the thread name. just to the left. it's a star if you've participated in the thread, and a dot if not

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