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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. yeah, that and "ukraine is not a crisis for us." these are huge tells.
  2. might be nsfw, depending if "shit" is a problem.
  3. remember when he wanted to buy greenland? ah, the good old days
  4. one of my son's favorite movies. "rather you asked first, old boy"
  5. let me put it another way: what does russia covet, and always have? why are they so goddamn interested in currying favor with erdogan and trying to find inroads in the black sea? they've spent centuries on this project. it's a warm weather port. that's part of the reason why georgia was so important. that's why crimea was so important. it's why donbas is so important. these are centuries long goals for the russians. it's the key to the mediterranean, and the rest of the world.
  6. the government had nothing to do with it. well, of course, government funded nasa assisted a lot. and they government contracts to get a lifeline. but the government had nothing to do with it. i'm just shrugging. i don't really care to argue. what he's done with the landing rocket has blown my mind. but i'm just saying your point that he went it alone is silly. he had significant government assistance. certainly, spacex did a lot of heavy lifting. but saying the government had "nothing to do with it" seems silly. they couldn't have done it without nasa and jpl. and cloak room would have to do with a prolonged discussion about government assistance and how we want to quantify that in dt, and i'm going to bow out now, unless you want to talk about it over there.
  7. well, hitler was. the germans were not, but as someone who works with quite a few, it's still quite a big national cultural scar. but i would argue that germany is a very different sort of imperial animal than asian countries like china, russia, and, yes, japan, among others. wish i had more time to explain my thoughts, but japan spent thousands of years thinking they should own the world, then shut itself away. meanwhile, china took over the world with the mongols and other efforts. the soviets did much the same after world war 2. i would argue that western nations were not ready for the aggression stalin was going to bring to bear with his so-called allies post-war. it's just a different mindset. we did the marshall plan. he did the iron curtain.
  8. look, i don't want to go full cloak here, but jpl and nasa are very much involved with spacex, let's not kid ourselves here.
  9. lol. i don't mean this necessarily at you, but sort of at this whole thread. yall think of russia as a western nation, or, for lack of a better descriptor, a european nation. they are nothing close and never have been. they have much more in common with the chinese than they do with the french. they are really a mix between the vikings and the steppe people of asia. true, the leadership of the russian empire (the tsars) intermarried with some european royalty. true, the soviets intervened in world war 2 (only after hitler went insane and attacked them, mind you), but the people of modern day russia, much as it ever was, have had to deal with an oligarchic government for as long as they can culturally remember. you can almost draw a straight line from the bolsheviks to mao zedong. and the pattern is much the same. overthrow of the current oligarchy, purging, more oligarchy, more purging, and after all that, the common folks just trying to get by and maybe reach the safest place: middle class. but if you look at the territory of russia, from st petersburg to kamchatka, how much do those folks have in common? granted, the vast majority of their population is located in or near the "european" section of the country, but they don't think in the same way as europeans. they think in at least 100 year windows. or at least they have until recently. even with this latest miscalculation, putin was thinking in a longer term way than most western countries do. why? because his people are inured to an oligarchy, and just want to get by. we have 4 - 8 year windows. the chinese and russians have multiple decade windows at times, and even when their leaders do not, the bureaucracy does. this idea that russia would be a good faith player in nato is madness. they would spend every waking hour trying to undermine the whole thing. in the end, the russian people have nothing to do with it but be window dressing, a la the bolsheviks or the end of the cold war. what happened after both of those things? you had commissars machine gunning down retreating unarmed soviet conscripts in stalingrad trying to win a battle of attrition with 16 year old kids, and you had bread lines following the fall of the soviet union. you had the same following mao's overtake of china. he wore a blue suit, but you think he ever went without rice or tea or fine foods? what about stalin? you see these poor russian bastards on the front lines while putin sits in a palace? tell me how he's different than nicholas II. you can't, except that he, just like mao, has cloaked himself in the guise of fake populism backed by people getting hauled away to the gulags. the people always suffer. life is cheap in asia. always has been. asia, especially russia and china, has always had imperial ambitions. goes for the middle east as well. same for the west, until democracy showed up to reign in the bloodthirst, at least nominally.
  10. i mean, i guess i could entertain the idea that your idea of what a fact is differs from the actual fact. you might not even realize how racist you are, i guess. but i suspect, deep down, you do know how racist you are. it's like a reflex for you. it's already been pointed out how your ratios are posted in pretty bad faith. you've ignored that. which is no surprise. it's weird to me though, that you won't own your racism when you make such obvious racist posts. you have to know what you are doing.
  11. it is absolutely not a justified shooting. the police put themselves in the wrong place. they have a greater responsibility. we need to do away with no knock warrants altogether. they shot someone. this person was not their suspect. even if he was, THEY HAVE A GREATER RESPONSIBILITY. frustrating that people ignore that.
  12. but you totally aren't racist. not at all. these are ridiculous posts, even for you.
  13. there's a lindell tv. jesus wept
  14. neil young has long been vocal, like you say. caused quite a stir in the south back in the day, with southern man, alabama, etc.
  15. he was just being what he always has been, a hateful fraud. it's republican supporters, voters and his political enablers in office that have done most of the damage. reserve some of your disdain for mitch mconnell, ted cruz, john cornyn and greg abbott
  16. yeah he can't stop talking about how much he enjoyed himself. thanks for taking your time to give him the excitement and experience. he's also nice enough not to rub it in his old man's face that he's a better shot. haha.
  17. this did not work out so well in the watchmen series. /nospoiler
  18. i am in no way defending how biden has been dealing with this situation, as it has been a busy week, but zelensky needs to get his shit together or he's going to fuck around and find out.
  19. maybe, maybe not. hot takes have always been a thing in popular media. jimmy the greek got fired not for an off-the-cuff comment, but a fucking produced segment that everyone should've known was racist and horrible. but they thought they were giving their audience what they wanted. hell, go back and watch some john lydon's bbc interviews. those stuffy commentators had no idea what they were dealing with: 1976.
  20. what the fuck is going on in here? i can't tell who is being serious and who is trolling. i agree with disarming the police and getting them out of traffic enforcement (more or less with some caveats) but i can't tell if anastasis actually believes this or he's making some kind of meta point here. shootings against police are definitely up. however, my favorite line from the article @Anastasis quoted was this: well, yeah, no fucking shit.
  21. kim kardashian is a billionaire based on internet influence. when they said the internet would change everything, this is kind of what they meant. there's plenty of good to come from it, but there's a bunch of shit too. @Brisketexan had a really interesting post about weirdo conspiracy people at gun shows with pamphlets. alex jones started off on cable fucking access here in austin, and i used to watch him while getting drunk or stoned in my dorm room. his audience probably numbered in the hundreds, with most of us watching to mock him. (side note, austin cable access in the 90s was fucking badass, shoutout puppetose). however, once he platformed up his prisonplanet website, he started gaining plenty of traction and went national. the audience hasn't changed, and i think that's the point a lot of folks are missing. the audience was always there, it was just highly fragmented between local crackpots. now they can glom onto anyone clever enough to tell them what they want to hear. it's really not hard, just look at alex's roadmap. and it's strange, to me, at least, because joe seems to want to follow alex's roadmap, when he already had a fantastic thing going and he's got more money that he could possibly spend already. as he's gotten richer, he's gotten increasingly out of touch. i guess that's what happens.
  22. this may be the most dave south ever dave southed:
  23. and this is shit, and this is shinola, which was a favorite of my dad's.
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