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Teddy Tucker

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  1. Unless I’m mistaken Lebron made an amazing defensive stop on the play before and then that nasty turnaround game winner. The combination of that wins easily play of the year. And this is coming from a biased rockets fan
  2. Having Collin mchugh available in your bullpen is such a huge luxury. Guy has been lights out this year
  3. Gattis with 9 dingers in the last 15 games. Insane
  4. Espn network. Don’t think the specific channel has been announced yet
  5. Hoping ryno gets some of Paul’s minutes Saturday and flat makes it rain. And the rest of the teams three balls follow suit
  6. One game away from the finals facing golden state with two shots. Fighters chance. Go get it done
  7. Doesn’t want to shoot? Lol he’s got 15 takes tonight and it isn’t going in for him. That happens in basketball. Probably going to have 20+ takes by the end of the game. How the hell is that not wanting to shoot
  8. Which team I can’t tell honestly?
  9. Those have got to fall at some point right? So many wide open looks from 3 for the rockets
  10. Maybe try and get ryno in and see one of those 3’s go threw the net. That shii is contageous
  11. I know the warriors are champs. But when you join/create an ‘”unbeatable team” and get punched back in the mouth 2-2 for the first time and its in the WCF. Doubt has to start creeping into your mind. They’ve said home court advangte doesn’t matter for the last2 months, but it’s still there right now staring in front of you
  12. Just slow mo replayed that last foul on paul. Ref didn’t whistle or raise his hand for the foul until after 0.0. Don’t know how the hell they decided .5 lol
  13. Reggie miller needs to get hit the mouth from someone in the H. Can’t stand listening to that Cali bro
  14. Lol what the hell is that. No way that was .5 left good lord
  15. As bad as g green was on offense he played just as good on defense. Love the effort he always gives for us out there
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