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Everything posted by TexEx15

  1. Some salty Aggies in the comments.
  2. Agree. Lee looked good too. All of that with a grain of salt of course. Oldacre looks like a force.
  3. Of course the talent level was a mismatch but the young players have some juice.
  4. https://www.propublica.org/article/josseli-barnica-death-miscarriage-texas-abortion-ban You were saying?
  5. You guys…. You don’t know shit about me. Frankly I didn’t care about politics until Trump infected the country I love and served. So miss me with that bullshit. Also, you acting like Trump is comparable at all to them proves my point about a lack of good faith discussions. You can’t even admit Trump is a piece of shit.
  6. Before I’m willing to move on to good faith policy discussions, I need everyone who voted for Trump to admit one thing. You have sold out and abandoned any character or integrity you may have once had. There are a lot of folks that will claim the lesser of two evils blah blah blah. Bullshit. You didn’t like Harris for whatever reason. That’s fine. Just know you also flushed your character when you pulled that lever for Trump. You have forever lost any moral high ground you might have thought you had in exchange for attaching yourself to that POS. Look normal elections are about policy. This one was much more than that and that’s why it stings the way it does. SO, if you are willing to admit you traded your integrity and character for a “win” then we can start talking about a truce and healing. Until then you are as oblivious as you were the minute you cast your vote.
  7. Double posting so it doesn’t get lost on the bottom of the last page.
  8. Working hard to close strong with women…
  9. Have you heard the other guy?
  10. Give me 2020 plus NC. I waited for Ralston and will go with his prediction for Nevada as I know shit about fuck.
  11. No waiting until Thursday this week.
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