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Posts posted by TexEx15

  1. Amongst all the polls and bluster from both parties, one thing I have been thinking about is the results of the Republican primary. A candidate that dropped out halfway through ended up with 20% (over 4m) of the vote. How does Trump get that back. Sure some will come home but it’s likely hundreds of thousands of voters will not. Let’s look at some of the swing state (TX and FL for S&G) numbers for Haley.


    297,124 - 26.59%

    North Carolina

    250,838 - 23.33%


    405,472 - 17.45%

    Georgia (W)

    77,902 - 13.23%

    Arizona (W)

    110,966 - 17.77%

    Florida (W)

    155,560 - 13.86%

    Wisconsin (W)

    76,841 - 12.72%

    Pennsylvania (W)

    157,228 - 16.5%

    As we have seen in the past 11,000 votes can swing a state. Lots of these will come home but lots are never Trump too. It feels like at the end of the election we should wonder why we ever thought it was close. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Guadaloopy said:

    Yeah.. it's only the top album in the country.  It may not be high art, but it's a solid effort with some well-constructed songs that appeals to a lot of people, obviously.  "Never Love You Again", "Nosedive", and "Losers" are all good to great tracks.

    I have enjoyed it.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    That's actually a very interesting statistic, that about 70% of Republicans feel democrats are palatable enough to fuck, and 70% of democrats wouldn't fuck a Republican with a ten foot dildo.  I'd like to see it corrected for gender as I bet women comprise more of the Democratic Party than the Republican party.  In my own circles, I think the average person who still identifies as Republican is kind of clueless about how repulsive they've become through association with who they vote for.  They want to see their voting choices as a difference of opinion that shouldn't come between friends or family members.  Like we're just walking out of a movie theater and disagreeing about how shitty the last M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie was.  But their voting choices directly harm the health, well being or ability for other friends and family members to live, love and prosper.  So that has to be reconciled against how they may treat that person as an individual face to face, and they just can't see that they bear a responsibility for the real-world effects of their vote.

    Yep. I say it all the time. Right now it’s not just policy disagreements. The current maga gop has no character, morals or integrity. It’s a non-starter at this point.

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