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The Gimp

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Everything posted by The Gimp

  1. At a cardiac arrest, the first procedure is to take your own pulse. Samuel Shem, “The House of God”.
  2. Most Fridays I meet a few Friends at Hooters for a couple of beers. Today as I’m leaving work I grab my phone to text someone and get the message “11 minutes to Hooters. Traffic is light”.
  3. If twice a month is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
  4. Probably everybody just sitting around the table taking turns with their personal story of the time they had to slap a bitch.
  5. Needs more liquid smoke.
  6. Everybody dropped out on the Democratic ticket. He was the only Republican who ran against Reyna. A guy wanted to run as an independent but didn’t get his paperwork in on time.
  7. Without Reveille1 there could never be Reveille2.
  8. I’d let her play my rusty trombone.
  9. Just made me realize how much I miss the “Airport hot or not” thread.
  10. So you have that going for you, which is nice.
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