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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MoJames

  1. MoJames


  2. He made a decision. Hold him accountable.
  3. I just assumed that since they didn't write any humor into the show, MODOK's face was supposed to make you laugh. I giggled at how awful it was every time he popped up. Was very confused as to how they just opened back up the portal up as if it wasn't a bit deal, specifically after all the drama about it closing prior to Ant and Wasp not making it back.
  4. Jokes on you guys, one game left and no chance Chelsea gets demoted.
  5. Thanks, bud.
  6. Well at least Brock could keep his grades up.
  7. Chelsea 2023-24: Trying to finish in the top half of the table Chelsea 2023-24: How long will Pochettino last?
  8. Oh my, Casemiro.
  9. And Real Madrid would've not matched with Manchester City in the Semis
  10. NBA smack talk is pretty awful
  11. My buddies favorite character in the entire series. Oh wait, no he fucking hated her.
  12. get a life
  13. I'd file all three in the same category. Our nickname for Farmington north of the border is either F-town or Charmington.
  14. it's like a poorer, smaller Midland closer to the mountains.
  15. Always enjoyed what Thomas Newman put at the end of Meet Joe Black And this song was great to end one of my favorite Comedies.
  16. Man so are we going for the trifecta of Everton Leicester and Southampton to go down?
  17. 3 dead in Farmington, NM
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