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Posts posted by MoJames

  1. 2 minutes ago, Longhornfan1024 said:

    The Perisic deal is news to me.  If Lukaku really wants back to Inter, may it's a swap deal with Perisic and cash for Lukaku.

    Apparently Kovacic is close with Perisic. Might be depth as he is 33 years old and can play left winger. I don't know if he has ever been a wingback type player though (with Alonso potentially moving on).

  2. Thanks Damor. I haven't even read The Martian. Should I start there or go to Project Hail Mary?

    Honestly when I was about 16 was when I got deep into Michael Crichton books and there are tons. I have a soft spot for Sphere.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    @MoJames Pulisic staying or going?

    I haven't heard much about him going outside of fans being bipolar on it. From an ownership standpoint, I don't see how an American owner will let the top American wander off. It's been pretty quiet with all the Russian stuff. 

    I hope he stays.

  4. Lot's of questions with the change in ownership surrounding Chelsea, but these moves appear done.

     Rudiger to RM

    Dave to Barca


    In addition, lots of smoke around Christensen to Barca, Lukaku to somewhere.

    We are again linked to Koulibaly and Kounde.

    Rice appears to be stuck per recent reports from West Ham.

    Oh and this popped up this AM, not sure what to think about it.


  5. Need a recommendation re: audiobook

    Have some summer trips coming up and need something to put on for the wife and I that the 6 and 9 year old might or might not enjoy but at the same time wouldn't be inappropriate if they did start listening.

    In the past year I've revisited Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, River Runs Through it and Other Stories, Ghost Wars, Ready Player One, Slaughterhouse Five, The Eye of the World to give you an idea of what I'm enjoying. Currently listening to The Stand (obviously not appropriate for kiddos). Wife and I in the past had listened to the Dan Brown stuff and some Clive Cussler to get through trips.

    Tried Ready Player Two, but lost interest, but maybe something like that? I was thinking about Jurrasic Park, bc the kids are way into the movies right now, but the wife suggested a baby dies in the book. I honestly don't remember that.

    I'm tired of Harry Potter, but that currently is our back up plan.


  6. 10 minutes ago, wutang75 said:

    Was thinking about buying this but was told the difficulty was off the charts and unless I was willing and able to invest a shitload of time to learn it I wouldn’t like it. I’m willing but possibly not able. Is it that hard? To the point its difficult to “get in to”?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    It's much easier than previous Dark Souls games secondary to the ability to summon a pet to help.

    The most important thing to realize in these type of games is it is ok to run from a bad guy.

  7. 8 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    kane shoving gabriel to the ground to set up that goal was 10x more contact than anything that cedric did for that "penalty", but ok. 

    Ok so only down 1-0 with 10 men in this scenario.

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