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Posts posted by MoJames

  1. So I realized Saturday at level 48 and after passing both Magrit and Godrick that I was fat rolling. Was wondering why my buddy was rolling through the game a bit lower level than I.

    Past 2 days have been glorius, clearing out several bosses I previously had not had much luck with.

    Now at 51 with a new get-up.


  2. https://www.wsj.com/articles/roman-abramovich-and-ukrainian-peace-negotiators-suffer-symptoms-of-suspected-poisoning-11648480493


    • Suspected poisoning happening in the first week of March when Abramovich was shuttling between Moscow and Kyiv to facilitate peace talks.

    • Abramovich developed symptoms that included red eyes, constant and painful tearing, and peeling skin on their faces and hands.

    • They blamed the suspected attack on hard-liners in Moscow who they said wanted to sabotage talks to end the war.

    • Abramovich have since improved and life isn't in danger

    • By the time a German forensic team with the required know-how was able to perform an examination, too much time had passed for the suspected poison to be detected. “It was not intended to kill, it was just a warning."

  3. 18 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    My dad was around for the mid 80's bust and I think this is the worst since then... maybe even worse.

    I'd disagree on that. 5th Generational Midlander and I did move away as soon as I could, but have tons of friends and family in the area. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, rpspeed said:

    Looks like Putin left his bunker.

    LONDON, March 18 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin justified the invasion of Ukraine before a packed soccer stadium on Friday but coverage of his speech on state television was unexpectedly interrupted by what the Kremlin said was a technical problem with a server.


    So yeah I was going to ask, it looked like he was trying to walk out all Vince McMahon style to the crowd, but then I assumed he was doing this in some bunker with a green screen?

  5. 3 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Today Putin told Schultz that the Ukrainians are trying to delay peace negotiations and they keep coming up with unreasonable demands.  Translating this from Kremlin speak, that means Russians are delaying negotiations and cooking up unreasonable demands. 




    Have anything other than a .ru link?

  6. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    You're straw-manning a good bit here.  Not many people here are calling to escalate -- almost all of us think that our current approach is appropriate.  We shouldn't get directly involved, start a no-fly zone, etc.

    We should stay the course.  Bleed Russia dry.  Let Putin further marginalize and delegitimize himself and Russia.  Meanwhile, he has awakened Europe from its delusional slumber, helped them realize they need to fix some of their shitty energy policy, and revitalized NATO.  All of these are wins.  Let's keep up the pressure.

    Exactly this. What has happened in policy in the past day to make @MaybeACoordinator concerned that we are somehow closer to nuclear war currently than we were when this conflict started? Stay the course.

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