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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MoJames

  1. MoJames

    EPL 2021-22

    What a strike by Havertz, so calm and collected.
  2. MoJames

    EPL 2021-22

  3. MoJames

    EPL 2021-22

    Yup seemed odd Martin didn't call it but counterpoint it was Martin.
  4. MoJames

    EPL 2021-22

    He is making a joke about how the team can't spend a certain amount for travel because the owner of the club is tied up with a war in Ukraine.
  5. Looking very good.
  6. Never played the Dark Souls games, but knew their reputation. After a bit of struggle and getting used to combat, etc I'm enjoying every second. I'm doing a confessor build and leveling/gearing up to face Margit.
  7. More Bosch Sr. than Bosch Jr., imo. I'm hoping we aren't fading out Titus.
  8. MoJames

    EPL 2021-22

    So much in this thread. Who knows what happens in the end, but Roman needs to go. Fuck him and Russia. As stated previously if this didn't happen I would've probably dropped EPL and Chelsea, he needed to go. Who knows where this takes us in the future, but my fandom for an EPL team is infinitely less important than what is going on in Europe right now. Hell if it would help assassinate Putin, I might even become part of the hive mind on this board and pull for Liverpool.
  9. Time will tell, but can't be done any other way. Time to remove the Russian from the equation.
  10. Too bad it was Real Madrid who did it.
  11. Have a chunk in the forecast for the next 24 hours. Should be a good time.
  12. what is a wound homey?
  13. It is your right to avoid medical advice.
  14. I guess this is similar to me being apathetic towards people that were overtly anti-vax and subsequently end up on a vent. So I guess I can feel you on this with you working in O&G and me working in Medicine. Also, Saudi's
  15. Do you actually think that the Saudi's and Emiratis would've worked with anyone in this situation?
  16. Purg the past two weeks has been phenomenal. Took this of the kids and their buddy last weekend. Finally got a powder day this weekend as pretty much all storms have rolled through on Wednesday since NY day.
  17. And I'm assuming even in a world where the US and Canada were no longer dependent on any other country for O&G, prices would still fluctuate with the global economy?
  18. Appears we import per wsj around 8% of our crude from Russia? https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-does-the-u-s-still-buy-russian-oil-11646151935
  19. Interesting Dodge Ram stat - Drivers with a DUI citation: 45.3 per 1,000 or the highest rate per this article. The second place finisher has been out of production since 2004.
  20. I was really just saying good bye to the shitty town of Pueblo.
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