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Extra Anejo

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Posts posted by Extra Anejo

  1. 25 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    if sitting out a season to get drafted becomes a thing, i feel like this precedence is going to carrry forward regardless of covid, it used to be unheard of to skip a bowl game for the draft, now its a thing,  now whats to stop a top prospect from skipping junior or senior year to hire a private coach and just train up, and not risking injury?

    I would say access to college females is a nice incentive.

    • Haha 1
  2. If university administrators can keep a university running with on campus students then play football. Playing the game doesn't raise the risk for players or students or even coaches any more than roaming the dorm halls. Limit fan attendance to students and possibly parents of players. If the university can't stay open then sports can't either. 

  3. The Big12 AD's contingency planning for spring football is a 6 game schedule expandable to 8 games possibly. It is not a full spring season and it is not for conference championships. Per inside semi-reliable informant. I don't want spring football, it would be an exhibition season for TV dollars only. Play this fall or cancel seems the most logical choices to me.

  4. On 7/20/2020 at 6:07 PM, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    I don't really see how 50% is any better/safer than 100%

    Assuming 20% of attendees get infected, it's much easier on the hospitals if 20% of 50K get infected versus 20% of 100K. By the time games actually play, I'll be surprised if attendance is not limited to 25% or less. The infection rate is a variable I pulled out my ass, you can insert your own wild ass guess if you want.

  5. 2 hours ago, UDontKnow said:

    Meaning 30-40 million Americans will say "no thanks" or "hell no" to a COVID vaccine?

    I'm not willing to take one in 2020. I would be willing in 2021 only after 10-15 million others have taken it first and survived for severl months. 

    • Like 2
  6. There is absolutely nothing being done in Texas and most southern states to improve the Covid-19 infection rate. If that doesn't change we will have a worse fall than summer, a worse winter than fall, and a worse spring than winter. The virus is winning. Football is history until something changes.

    • Like 2
  7. 11 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:


    What's really ironic is that Hollis, Oklahoma, where DKR  was born, was actually in Greer County, Texas until 1896  i.e. for the first 60 years of Texas' existence. So, if DKR could have been born 28 years earlier, he'd have been a Texan.


    Someone needs to review the latest SCOTUS cases, he may have been born on an Indian reservation.

    • Haha 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, tonedeaf said:

    So Judge baylor:

    Owned 20 slaves valued at $18,000

    Punished a white man for refusing to return a borrowed slave and punished an abolitionist for harboring an escaped slave

    Believed slavery wad God ordained reality

    Hanged a slave for arson

    Levied a heavy fine on a white person that bought bacon from a slave

    Ordered the execution of a slave for "intent" to rape a white woman

    Lead the Texas "Know Nothing Party" dedicated to making Texas pure by keeping out catholics and foreigners

    And the university:

    baylors first 15 trustees were slave holders

    Disabled soldiers and children of the fallen were given free tuition to show support for the confederacy

    And yet, things are relatively quiet at baylor while our athletes have their panties all in a wad over a song.  I wish someone would explain this to me.  

    All you baylor lovers neg away.  :) 


    Most of us and the players are living in the 21st century. I don't think most of us want to dig up all the names of people that owned or mistreated slaves.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  9. I think spring football would suck, especially if the NFL did it too. Combining NFL, NBA, NCAAB, and NCAAF all into the same time period would make all the above less entertaining. Plus there's the start-up of MLB to factor in. Too many choices for fans.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, gmr548 said:
    15 hours ago, 927 E. 41st said:
    Well, safety and cleanliness have always been hallmarks of the State Fair... right?

    In high school (~10 years ago) a friend of mine worked a corn dog booth as a fundraiser for the drill team. Apparently at the end of the night, standard procedure is to strip all the breading from unsold corn dogs and fry them again the next day.

    Well, its only the lunch crowd that gets the leftovers.

    • Like 1
  11. I don't know any Mizzou grads. However, I have visited St. Louis and it's the only place I've ever been where two preachers dressed in black suits with that white preacher collar come into the bar where I am sitting and sit down and order a beer. So, there's that.

  12. 5 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    Strictly from a casual consumer standpoint, the biggest problem with Pac-12 to Apple TV is, I don't want to have to change apps to flip between games. It's time consuming and cumbersome. Having one app (say, YouTubeTV) open and changing inputs on the TV to get back and forth between "cable" and broadcast games is OK, but if I have to either a) tell Roku "quit YTTV, open Apple TV app, go to Pac-12 Football TV channel" (and vice versa), no fucking way. Nor do I want to buy another "box" (an Apple TV) just to be able to limit the switching to inputs, just so I can watch P12 games.

    This isn't an old man yelling @ cloud thing, either-- I like technology, I love the Apple TV unit but don't use one myself as I prefer Roku. I just don't KNOW of an easy way to add a Pac 12 on Apple TV game into that swapping rotation.

    I don't see many Pac12 games being played when Big12 games are airing, so flipping over to the random Pac12 game rarely if ever happens in my house.

  13. 5 minutes ago, 927 E. 41st said:

    Interesting point. I think a lot will depend on what we know, or think we know at that point. If your chances of death are 3 in 100, I think it's appropriate to respond differently than if the odds are 1 in 5000. Pretty obvious from the numbers out of New York, that hospitals with a capacity of 100 are useless to person 101. Getting past overflowing hospitals and figuring out just what the odds are will make a big difference. 

    If there are games, I am leaning toward going, and I just turned 60.


    I can't imagine sitting in a crowded stadium knowing a sniper is going to shoot and kill somewhere between 3 and 10 of the fans. I don't know what the correct decision is for opening universities and playing college sports, I just hope the right decision is made.

    • Like 3
  14. 11 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Could anyone explain to me how Division 2 athletic programs stay in business if D1 is suddenly in such dire straits?  

    They may already be in better shape for survival than D1. They have operated with very little income besides the paid appearances in D1 pre-conference games. They probably already know what they need to do simply because they have no dependence on TV and bowl money other than the welfare received from the NCAA.

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