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Extra Anejo

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Posts posted by Extra Anejo

  1. 4 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    What'll happen is that society will go back to large gatherings way too soon. The resulting second wave will be much worse than the first time around, and then large crowds will be a no-go for much longer than just the next 9-12 months.



    Everybody expects the vaccine to be the savior but there has been some vaccines that took 10 years to develop. There are no guarantees with this virus, there's surprises almost daily with how it acts. Now we have the issue in Korea where 120 people that recovered from the virus have re-acquired.

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  2. Ignore the UC system schools for  now and get USC and Stanford to agree in principal. Then see if we can get Washington and Oregon without the States. If that were to happen we would have two more slots left to get to 16 teams and the Big12 just might be able to pick off a blue blood somewhere else in the country. Of course the Arizona pair would always be available.

  3. 11 hours ago, ruitxn said:

    You are totally right.  I agree with you on all of those.  But something too often overlooked about real quality coaching is in game adjustments.  The Aston defenders say look Baylor owns us but look at our record.  We win because we out talent most of our opponents.  Where we lose almost every game is the inability to coach up or make adjustments in game and especially at halftime.  Most teams we often beat have coaches making far better game time decisions.  This is where Mulkey kicks most of her peers.

    In my view, the issue with Aston is simply that we're playing for 2nd place in the Big12 every year. Mulkey has Baylor women's basketball at an elite level and Astooon is not up to that. We have to decide if playing for 2nd place in women's basketball is suitable. If not, where are we going to get a coach to match Mulkey? I don't believe any of the established, elite women's basketball coaches would move to Austin.

  4. Why would anyone think that Cuban's plan would be better college sports. I can understand the more money that's there but being a college fan is not like being a pro sports fan. College sports is about traditions and rivalry, none of that appears in pro sports. 

  5. On 1/27/2020 at 1:46 PM, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Who will end up with the most new coaches (including analysts), after the dust settles, between Texas and aggy?

    Total positions hired or most effective group?

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