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Everything posted by bigshark88

  1. Man. In Florida we trade them beer for bycatch (for bait) but not much else
  2. My local SO picked up one of these 5.7 handguns in a drug dealer arrest this week. First time I have read about one on the streets. (Street crime is my career.) Interesting.
  3. Rode the Pathfinder all over Apalachicola Bay Sunday and caught about 15 trippletail. Only two keepers though. This was the biggest one. My partner boogered up the hook set on a third keeper. Still learning the trippletail game.
  4. Cold fried chicken, ham and cheese, PB&J, watermelon, peanut butter crackers, beef jerky, trail mix, Pringles. And a flood tide of Natural Light.
  5. Just adding that if I was buying new today I would spend some quality time on YouTube specifically the channel "TFL Truck". They actually hook up 4500# behind different setups and test them out. They recently did tests with a Tundra, the new Ford HD "Godzilla" gasser, Jeep Gladiator... I think there were others as well.
  6. I don't know what the Consumer Reports reliability numbers look like but any modern V8, half-ton gasser should be sufficient to pull a 21ft boat. Based on your prior ownership experience maybe you should be looking at a Tundra? I have a 2018 that pulls the snot out of a 23ft boat regularly. 75mi one way to the ramp for me in heavy traffic. The 5.7 Tundra eats it up. Disclaimer: Suspension is a little stiff. It's a little bit thirsty. Interior is dated. Non locking diff 23ft travel trailer may be a different bowl of gumbo. I wouldn't know.
  7. Any details on this? I bought a New Vaquero up thread. Wouldn't mind something to tote it in.
  8. I have been known to flip on the livewell and keep a nice flounder when fishing C&R for teout/reds. Buy a bag of ice at the store near the ramp and take her home to the kitchen.
  9. I can't keep up with huge but I have a buddy with a large, modern center console kept in Mexico Beach FL and we wore their asses out today. This is the third straight offshore trip where I have painfully out-fished live pinfish on the bottom by using a 150grm butterfly jig.
  10. This one post has really changed how I feed my family our whitetail. Cooked it up last night (with some mods). Bigtime Tapa rep.
  11. I have read your boating posts and I will say that I come from a different list of life experiences. I am from the Florida, fishing-based, outboard, center console, mainly trailer boat school of boating. I keep up with used boat prices that are relative to my situation and, in my garden, maybe not yours, those prices are SKY HIGH right now. So from my perspective it's a good time to unload IF YOU ARE LUKEWARM ABOUT YOUR SLED. I was in my current boat owners environment back in 2008 when we had the Florida real estate meltdown and you could NOT unload a boat essentially even for the hit that the owner would take on it in a bankruptcy. So I have that traumatic (not to me) time period mixed into my lived experience of boat ownership. I am now a 2-boat owner. I have sold one boat and bought two in the past five years FWIW. It is completely okay if you disagree with my selling advice posted above. I am just typing this to let you know where I am coming from. As a personal philosophy; I try to run the other way on everything. Stocks are way high? Sell or hold and amass cash. Gun prices crazy low? Buy guns and collect what you want. Market looking unjustifiably enthusiastic? Unload what you've got and sit on cash or put together purchase equity for something you (now) want more. If you love what you have now (and I think that SB: you do) I have no problem with you keeping it. I was just suggesting that if you were lukewarm on keeping or selling it'd be a good time to unload.
  12. If anyone reading this has a boat that they're lukewarm about; now is THE time to unload.
  13. Driving rain here today in the FL Panhandle. (Someone create a 2020 Hurricane / TS thread BTW). Haven't got to shoot the new, New Vaquero so I went to my town's only indoor range. Today's experience reminded me how much indoor ranges suck ass. First of all I abstained from the beer drinking train for a few hours so I could go shoot 30 rounds at a paper target at an indoor range. With all the unrest going on, and because it was raining cats and dogs, there were about 234543456789754 people there waiting to pop off some rounds as well. My town's only indoor range is in "not the best neighborhood". I show up and put my money down and sat around in the gun store waiting for them to holler my name to head to the range... They take your license too so you can't just say "F It" and storm out when it takes forever. Hanging in the gun store portion: two thirds of the customers I see are probably legally prohibited from owning firearms. Conversations with the guys at the gun counter begin with: "Yo; you got a Draco?" or "Where the long clips at for a Glock 9?" The customer line to the register to sign up for range time smelled of cannabis like a reggae festival (everyone 6ft apart). Eventually they call my name and I check in with the target I bought. I have a total of 30 45LC cartridges with me and the New Vaquero. Check-in guy checks my gear, sees I've got my own eye and ear-pro (plugs) and recommends I take some of the range earmuffs "because". Keep in mind this is a 15 lane, 25 yard, indoor range. I ask how many long guns are on the range and he looks at the monitors, informs me there are several. Oh shit. I grab the (probably COVID infested) rental muffs and head to my spot. There's an open AR case with the rifle laying in it on the gear table behind the firing lanes. Right on top of the "absolutely no visible guns here" written right on the table surface. Instead of being sat down in its hard case, the ARis askew, muzzle sticking out, horizontal to the multiple people standing around, inhaling lead, shooting or watching others shoot. So basically I get muzzled just walking to my lane. Get to my lane and pin up my target. Its so crowded it's hard to find a stapler to even get my target up in the mechanism. Start shooting the 45LC and things are going okay. Tank top guy next to me with a fat, tattooed girlfriend then takes after a target at a whole 25 yards with his AR variant. Even with double ear pro it's hard to just stand there in the adjacent lane while the blast reaches out. Also the un-burned powder subsequently makes a small cloud which probably would hold any future bigshark88 kid back a grade (if there were any future bigshark88 kids in the pipeline). After he's talking over his 25 yard triumph with his AR, someone else started shooting a long gun and something (not sure what) comes back off the range, under the shooting surface, and hits me right below the knee. No skin broken but it didn't feel like a shell casing. Finish up my 30 rounds of 45LC and check out. Employee at the register gives me back my license and checks me out on the computer. "You haven't been here since Fathers Day 2016" he says. Yeah. No shit.
  14. Every year I wind up with a shit load of venison sausage in the freezers. Been using a standard Paula Deen gumbo recipe to cook it up. Anyone doing the same thing? Got a gumbo recipe specific to venison sausage?
  15. Haha nope but we'll pull a Bay Ranger to the coast and then discuss.
  16. I have a buddy (who's not full of shit) claiming he's going to buy a new F250 with the huge Godzilla gasser. Will take a fishing trip and post up a report.
  17. Brats suggested grips looking pretty nice on my new, New Vaquero
  18. Just ordered. Got a link to those grips?
  19. I have other revolvers that fire both 357/38 and 45LC. Which model would you suggest for occasional snake blasting and the never ending battle against Modelo cans?
  20. I was going to suggest 308 for the one hunting rifle. 30-06 is just as good. Last ammo shortage the "tactical beard crowd" cleaned out all the 308 rounds from the big box stores. There was a shit load of 30-06 left. ... And I would suggest a 686+ for the one wheel gun. Brats pic has me looking around for a Ruger single action now.
  21. Recommendation for a winder box that'll keep four autos ticking? Preferably with storage for at least four other watches. My Amazon winder died after two years. All the winders on Amazon tonight have shitty reviews.
  22. They were the old style (2013) and they were vibrating the shit out of me. They also seemed to tax the 4.0 / automatic transmission. Additionally; I am a little older now and somewhat vertically challenged. With the lift; it's a little easier to climb into the Jeep with 33s on it. I really wanted Duratracs for their look. Duratracs don't come in 35s in the size I needed. The ride got smoothed out a lot with the new 33s. Sold the old 35s on Facebook within two days for $200.
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