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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mr.goodkat

  1. well , at the very least, he can make an argument that titles at 3 different schools beats a dynasty . 'specially 2 bluebloods and fla. IF he won 2 or more here he would be lookin' eye to eye with the man himself dabo be damned
  2. this my understanding as well dude , but its randolph sooooo ......
  3. cant wait to see them up !!! the c&d stuff is ok there are reall only~3ish boards that are interesting imo . i started skating in 86 so this obviously shows . iam at 74 including my old deck from 98 and my rider now and a few doubles . profit.
  4. thats a jeff grosso cease and desist deck it has a little more shape than the original . the rag doll is the original shape . most are reissue. a few vintage
  5. part of my collection . saw skate thread and i wanted to participate
  6. this seems likely . i, as well, can not have nice things . but apparently i can have a sad .
  7. don't stop him he is on a roll . don't know who's wishcasting more , Texas fans wanting um or this couchburning schmuck saying no wai !!
  8. he also said leadership would show itself at the cotton bowl . i think they are more than hints at it .
  9. we always come in from mesquite scyene to robert collum and park at two podners bbq usually coming in hot at bout 830 a.m. . always been super easy .
  10. its laughable that aggy think they have a better baseball program than tosu
  11. funny iam currently entrenched in a dynasty right now .sadness.
  12. they were talking on the radio about moving mlb to select cities to put the play offs in bubble(s)
  13. so this text conversation happened 15 months ago ? mar 16 2019? why wait if its "not right" ?
  14. can' t believe we only a hunnet days out .
  15. me too . that ben affleck shit is clearly a troll job
  16. this is me this weekend . but truly been closer to a year for me
  17. yes goo Texas has been more competitive against ou in the herman era . that is factual . but . fuck all that alabama on a pedestal shit . it is cyclical and they have had their share of time in the desert too. and will again . hopefully soon . and i would be happy as fuck if it was a tom herman led Texas team that points them in that direction
  18. don't know if they qualify as ambiguous
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