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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mr.goodkat

  1. dude runs way meaner than bush. i'm old but my 1st impression is a lil' warrck dunn-ish
  2. many thanks sir that one slid past me !!
  3. Hook ' em maalik nothing but good vibes to him . and Merry ffffin Christmas to his new coach .
  4. 12 angry men . i "watched " this movie as a pre-teen and didn't get it . watching through 2023 goggles at 49 was quite interesting .
  5. so there wasn't a dead longhorn in front of a frat this morning ? again give zero fucks why. that is as fucked up as skinning a cat , dude . that is what i'm saying .
  6. no i do not . nor do i care if it had any thing to do with a football game . the killing of an innocent animal to prove a point , anger , intimidate or for fun is fucking disgusting . and the fact that it just so happens to be a longhorn is an "interesting" coinky-dinky giving the timing
  7. and oklahoma state has entered baylor level detestation for me . fuck that entire state .
  8. so daddy's comb over doesn't fall in this category ?? vanity , insecurity ??
  9. did any else catch spencer tillman ripping off this dkr gem @ the outro Three things can happen when you throw the ball, and two of them are bad. Darrell Royal i just re-watched and caught it........mother fucker
  10. so you acknowledge that CS "hired" other individuals to go film the signal callers from other schools then systematically deciphered said signals then made cue cards for each team to have at the ready all while knowing advance on campus scouting/filming is illegal and all this was done by a low level staffer / lone gunman .........right . i have no dog in this hunt but the integrity of sport should be paramount and there is a more than 0 % chance something wicked this way comes for michigan football. which ultimately is horrible its just better when bluebloods are good . goddammit harbaugh
  11. exactly . this rule has been in place 6 years but people still think "if arch plays he burns his shirt ".
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