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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mr.goodkat

  1. so much of all of this . his father's arrest helped end the switzer regime here's to casey helping end riley's
  2. it is . still a good dig at a know it all blow hard . fuck rex
  3. i was behind the simms choice then due to higher upside . that clip makes me happy about it
  4. sad not so much fuck the browns just fuck baker mayfield . go chiefs
  5. yes it will and yes i will
  6. the truck is a family project mustang is all me
  7. stock for now . i want it moving and body work completed
  8. yes 289 3 spd its all original . my buddies dad bought him the car my senior year . they put a new from ford 289 hipo it currently has 15kish on her . BUT i have a 351windsor in the corner screaming for some afr heads and i have 2-3 5 speeds to make a swap .
  9. and this lil' guy is waiting in the on deck circle
  10. she was originally gulf stream aqua . that is actually a blue top on what was a robins egg blue paint job . looked white in the sunlight but had a baby blue haze at night under light . was cool. i *think* i am going 1989-90 bimini blue with a dark blue vinyl . bimini is close to brittney blue . but am evaluating all blue hues at this time. with all hope and luck she should be moving under her own power by march . but thats the ez part .
  11. this my girl ..long way to go .......
  12. welcome home coach !
  13. good bye , good luck and hook 'em sam !!
  14. its a meh hire imho . hope i'm wrong but heres to sark , good luck and Hook 'em !
  15. al its ok . ain't none of that shit gonna happen . Texas and /or ou are not gonna play 2nd and 3rd fiddle anywhere .
  16. i don't see muschamp taking a dc role here under ANYONE much less traylor . imho
  17. i tend to agree but its college football at least one of these is going the other way . usually . hopefully
  18. well , to be fair, thats a "us" problem . specially dis year
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