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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mr.goodkat

  1. obviously you have never had taylor weenies
  2. don' know you or zeus but not everyone is bitch-made in this world . i've caught a square before prolly never will again but if that was my kid i would've left that game in hand cuffs. no two ways about it .
  3. has your avatars tittie always been censored or is that new ?
  4. it obviously 2 threads per thought at txags . not a lot o thoughts to go around over there
  5. dude when i first started turning wrenches in the mid 90s we had dudes show up once or twice a month at our shop with vans FULL o speakers .cheap. looked legit.
  6. man i think its just a "creole" flavor i know its mainly paprka salt and garlic
  7. no no no i can , but like bob stoops goiter i respect it
  8. clutching the fucking binder . fucking classic
  9. rock hoodys every week . the special is the awesome . really good philly too .
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