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Everything posted by ermahgerdhorn

  1. That is the most Mack response I've ever heard from someone not named Mack Brown.
  2. Yup and the last several years our Big 12 schedule has been harder than their SEC schedule once you adjust for their automatic L to bama.
  3. So what's the upside to the Ireland game? The NFL I sort of get - there's exposure to the NFL overseas and they are trying to get that guy in London or Mexico City or whatever to want to buy a cowboys jacket and tune in every Sunday when the Cowboys are back in the US of A. College football isn't as accessible overseas outside of streaming platforms. Is the thought here that people in Dublin are suddenly going to become rapid Nebraska fans?
  4. Wide receivers with ice on their hands. That's super ideal.
  5. Wait people still listen to that choad?
  6. This is true of almost all of aggy's so-called big recruits and you have to give Jimbo credit: pumping recruits he knows he can bag to the media is something he's at which he's become a master. When you really look at the numbers, though, it's funny just how mediocre most of the recruits in the their OMG BEST RECRUITING CLASS IN HISTORY are. They were able to use the momentum from bagging overrated players nobody else wanted to actually get a few players other teams were interested in. As much as it pains me to say it....it is a brilliant strategy and really their only option. When you have shit facilities, haven't been relevant in 25 years, aren't selling out your awful stadium, and are a giant question mark both in terms of potential NCAA punishment for NIL violations and very well might be left without a date when the dust settles from conference realignment with our program finally bringing in the Texas-based eyeballs the SEC wants, you do what you have to do.
  7. They'll do both CBS and Fox games if the interest is there and given the other games that weekend you don't really have too many other showdowns. The problem is their tendency to want to spread around Game Day and we also have potential big national interest in our ou, osu, and baylor games. We aren't getting Game Day 4 times in a year so they'll skip at least a few of those games.
  8. "No advise too meaningless"
  9. With the #3 NIL fund shouldn't they, you know, win at some point?
  10. I'm mostly with this analysis. I think ou/baylor is 1-1 and OSU is kryptonite. That said I think bama is a W. they lost the NC last year and lost a bunch of talent. Saban doesn't typically do the whole bravado thing and he's certainly doing that this year. I think he's burnt out and realizes he doesn't have that good of a team so he's trying to do what he can to keep recruiting up and keep the media under the tent with him. Sark also tends to peak early in a season so I see him smashing teeth for the first few games, which includes a W over bama. That said I think the grind of conference play causes some whiffs down the stretch. I'm thinking OSU is an L, one of baylor/ou is an L, and then we drop one or two surprise conference games toward the end of the season to crush our collective spirits. So 8-4, maybe 9-3 heading in to bowl season.
  11. This couldn't be truer. Here's a cool story bro. My wife has a best friend from her undergrad at Brown. We met during grad school. Her friend married an aggy working, at the time somewhere outside of San Marcos. aggy ends up starting some kind of trucking company and starts "making" some kind of industrial metal parts. Fast forward a few decades and I still have to see this hillbilly whenever we are in their current town. His business has done well and they try to portray themselves as respectable and able to hold conversation with us. They've invested heavily in this area too - ranch in the hill country, a plane, a couple ski houses, etc. At the end of the day the guy just isn't that smart - he's a laborer who marshaled other laborers to get to where he is and his inferiority complex burns pretty damn bright when the adults start talking. Telling a truck to go from point A to B and back to A or bending a pipe at a 45 degree angle doesn't require any actual brainpower no matter how much he wants us to believe it does. aggy as a whole are like this and it is an embarrassment that only reinforces our state's redneck image. Just because their university is large they think it is this beacon of intellect and it isn't. They are graduates of a trade school who feel the need to try to equate themselves to intellectuals. Other, smaller, intellectually inferior schools don't feel the need to do this. It's sad for them but damning for the rest of us that call Texas home.
  13. I don't have a crystal ball here but I remember a lot of people saying the same thing about Saban when he fizzled at Miami 15 years ago.
  14. Honestly Fisher leaving might have been a blessing for aggy. Once we join the SEC aggy won't bring any TV eyeballs to the conference. AS has been mentioned on here multiple times most SEC teams have their lowest rated conference game against aggy....I think Vanderbilt was the exception a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if they get the boot in a few years with some buyout. They will probably be stupid enough to NOT spend that buyout getting rid of expensive but completely mediocre coach and all of us Texas taxpayers will get the benefit of bailing them out. Hopefully the end result though is they end up G5 where a school with their "tradition" belongs.
  15. Wow. This one caught me off guard
  16. This is fucking depressing. We are blue blood-ing wrong.
  17. I'd say does have a position to be throwing shade at aggy. We are still more nationally relevant than they are; we aren't a boat anchor for TV ratings in our conference, something other SEC teams are getting pissed at aggy about; we have a winning tradition over the history of our program; and we smoke them in revenue. Whether Sark is an idiot remains to be seen but long term our program is going to be just fine. Just like Michigan, Ohio State, Alabama, etc. we will have long down periods but inertia will push us back to winning. aggy will always been a glorified G5 team trying to keep their heads about water with the big boys. Shade, throw it upon them.
  18. So we just need to wait for the new kids to come in to their own? So just like 2-3 more years of suckage?
  19. He said they are still in the phase of trying to get things taught. I mean that teaching could take 5, even 6, seasons.
  20. The weirdness here is pretty next level. Someone actually made this.
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