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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. No one watching the Simpsons-cast? Def more watchable. They simpsonized Jerry.
  2. If you don't believe a woman has greater rights than a fetus, there's something wrong with you. Simple.
  3. Fuck Bryan Sheffield, no sympathy for your million-plus just to get fucked by Dotard, you ignorant fuck-face.
  4. I wonder if the lunacy of the Gaetz pick is just meant to distract from the absurd level of Gabbard dangerousness
  5. Went to a sleepover in 2nd grade and watched a double-header of Salem's Lot and this: As soon as Magic ended, the dad of the house jumped out at everyone with a freaking ventriloquist's dummy, I shit you not. Not much sleep at the sleepover ensued.
  6. My son plays defense on the JV team. SEC DEF!
  7. Gee, wish that federal grand jury would get going on Paxton's criming lol
  8. Well, Paxton told his staff to expect that he will be up for AG and that he would accept the position. True facts.
  9. ah yes, the old "you're going to make me do terrible things by being mean and telling the truth." Sure, Trump has been the most victimized, persecuted guy who can't catch a break, like ever. Yeah no previous potus ever had enemies but only this one was getting prosecuted... it's just a conspiracy, not a pattern of persistent, consistent law-breaking
  10. Lamb, by A24. Set in Iceland, starring Noomi Rapace. Simple story and slow pacing but I can't get it out of my head. Maybe in part because the Ada character somewhat resembles my dog. Ada's complete innocence and the instinct to protect her made this worth a watch. Sad, haunting.
  11. New since last time? 1. Those who have succumbed to the constant mainstream media drumbeat of how intensely shitty things have been the past 4 years between inflation! and! migrants! 2. Those who simply cannot bring themselves to support a woman/POC -- god forbid, both! Those are my fears anyway. And that perhaps those people aren't vocal about their support with pollsters etc.
  12. I think females of reproductive age don't have the luxury of ignoring the bullshit
  13. Can I offer a second-hand account? This morning on NPR, a rural oil & gas Pennsylvania dude predictably said he's voting Trump. Apart from getting rid of onerous red tape related to fracking, he said it's because of American values of self-determination: "The right to be a Christian nation." Oh, THAT kind of self- (and other-) determination.
  14. I recently saw the guy who made "Cop Killer" on a box of Cheerios.
  15. Lol that "less federal funding" is one of this maga's crying points about not having more teen births.
  16. That Sheehy guy is a total cunt, entirely unlikeable, not to mention a weird liar and outsider. The fuck.
  17. In my opinion, a primary strategy of the largely astro-turfed transgender panic agenda is to divide women against each other... to dampen women's growing turn away from Republicans and their crusade against reproductive rights.
  18. All I see from R party ads is transgender panic. Like that's seriously all they offer, and they tie it to prisoners and kids, whatever random shit. Just bizarre. Guess that must poll well with the terrified snowflakes.
  19. Reminds me of an article I read where a guy in El Paso said he voted once, for a democrat, and "nothing changed." So obviously never vote again, I guess? WTF
  20. Sc SCOTUS: We limit our holdings to the particular facts and legal questions before us... the plaintiff was Trump and the case regarded his misdeeds, so don't stretch it to cover Biden.
  21. The thing is, how can the state Supreme Court rule against him even if it were inclined to based on the law, now that they know he can and will just primary any of them next go-round -- as he did to the Ct. of Criminal Appeals judges who ruled against him??
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