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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. Yep, some real RED flags with him. One of his big supporters/defenders has Trump boat parade stuff all over her page. He proposes a new system of review for library books, not explaining what is wrong with the procedure now where librarians are in charge. Ragey stuff directed towards kids at the football games. No demonstrated familiarity with district issues outside his kids' west Austin vertical team. My conclusion: stealth MAGA candidate.
  2. As we know, we have sky-high property taxes in Austin, but the State's per-student funding allotment is way too fucking low. The State is abdicating its (state) constitutional duty to educate the kids here, and passing it off entirely to counties. Then once that low per-student funding rate is met with property tax money, the state drags the leftover funds around and eventually to its own coffers with zero accountability. It's a fucking scam and should be illegal. AISD seems to have capitulated to the idea that the legislature will never do anything that helps Austin specifically (probably right), and we are by far the biggest funder of education across the state. So the push is to get the lege to increase the per-student funding so we can at least keep some more of our own desperately needed money to help our shambolic district.
  3. Even apart from her MAGA-ness, the name "del Moral Mealer" should be disqualifying in itself. Fuck that weirdly-named bitch. "Mealer." J.F.C.
  4. pee pee tape still out there
  5. One of my fondest dreams would be for Bannon and Roger Stone to share a cell together forever.
  6. fuck OUSC
  7. didn't Rafael Cruz amplify this shit too?
  8. we just look fucking cursed today. JFC
  9. So when did he switch from "bro I'm just asking questions" and being ignorant as fuck, to outright lying in support of the radical right agenda? He clearly doesn't know anyone with this experience. So he's just an abject fucking liar who needs his bullshit "both sides" card yanked.
  10. And I'm guessing Ginni Thomas gets a pass
  11. I was hoping for more on the installation of Chris Miller/Kash Patel and the (planned) lack of fed response to the riot.
  12. Ron Johnson is Mr. Kruger from Seinfeld, without the charm or intellect
  13. good to see Stephen Miller still looking as ghoulish as he is.
  14. so who is the so-called host that is saying "sure they do!" "absolutely they do" to this most insane batshit of unsupported bullshit?
  15. https://twitter.com/SHOOT_HARRY/status/1577308974378106881?s=20&t=4cSsNsIvU1pL9iHAwmuPPA
  16. ha yeah... the two uncut takes she did had me admiring of the balls involved. And I guess she was in every damn scene of the movie.
  17. I could see myself getting arrested if I even witness shitheel behavior by a poll thug inside a voting location. Few things make me as ragey, for some reason.
  18. Guess I just don't see the funny in punching down on the most stigmatized group of people there is
  19. I'm kind of perplexed at how there are literally zero appointments available in the greater Austin area to renew a minor? I mean, the county office and every post office show not a single one, and won't show past October anyway. And I hadn't realized the Travis County passport office has gone to appointment only. Has anyone gone to the Global UT one, where you just walk in? They say they only take a few each day and you should get there before they open, so sounds like a barrel of fun.
  20. First I've heard of the police funding bills. Maybe they need to be talking about it to the press.
  21. I'm not sure how clear it was to people at the time as to why she did that. Most just thought it was for shock value. The sexual abuse of kids as any sort of thing was just then beginning to become known. Hard to imagine. But of course, she was right about it all and had first-hand knowledge of the systemic abuse of the church. She really paid a price for speaking out.
  22. Pearl. Mia Goth is super freaky
  23. Can't WAIT for all the gloating from the shithead about how he's been completely "exonerated"
  24. Nice. Now give us your take on the Plight of the Coloured Man.
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