Interesting. I haven't finished the series but have attended many a legal conference w/Patricia Cummings at which she gave talks about Michael Morton, actual innocence, false confessions, etc. All I can say is she seemed like a genuinely ethical person who was always very friendly and approachable. One of these continuing legal ed. conferences occurred after the Kelly conviction, and she did address it. She had a very pained demeanor and said she really doesn't know what happened -- that they all expected he would be acquitted. I think that was true of nearly all of us in the crim. legal field at the time -- I know I was expecting acquittal, particularly after the shitshow of the 2nd kid recanting and the prosecution not even asking to take a pause. Anyway, no further insight, but hearing hints of episodes 3-5, it's disappointing and disheartening to hear what seems to have gone on w/Cummings and knowing she was well-liked and respected by her peers. I do think the ineffective assistance claim would have been a hard sell given that it's not unreasonable, per se, to strategize that the offense(s) simply didn't occur.