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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. It's like racism. Some people won't acknowledge or care that it exists until it affects them personally. These people are also known as Assholes.
  2. This was a fun survey to take, with the space to fill in answers and all. They got an earful from "Franz Schickelgruber." https://action.donaldjtrump.com/the-msm-survey-accountability/?utm_medium=ad&utm_source=dp_googlesd&utm_campaign=20200203_na_mediaaccountability_djt_tmagacpros_ocpmylea_bh_audience0567_creative03389_na_us_b_18-99_gdnw_all_na_lp0088_acq_leads_static_300_250_na&utm_content=pol&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrZXA_uS76gIVYBL5AB3ylwxMEAEYASAAEgJvUPD_BwE
  3. Same. Vote for Siegel, he has a non-trivial shot.
  4. SIAP https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-supreme-court-just-handed-down-some-truly-awful-news-for-voting-rights/ar-BB16j38M Sample: Notably, the Supreme Court’s order in Merrill was joined only by the Court’s five Republicans. All four Democratic appointees dissented. Neither side explained why they voted the way that they did. The Texas case The Texas case, meanwhile, is Texas Democratic Party v. Abbott, and the stakes in that case are simply enormous. Texas law permits voters over the age of 65 to request absentee ballots without difficulty. But most voters under the age of 65 are not allowed to vote absentee. During a pandemic election, that means that older voters — a demographic that has historically favored Republicans over Democrats — will have a fairly easy time participating in the November election. But younger voters will likely have to risk infection at an in-person polling site if they wish to cast a ballot. The Court’s order in Texas Democratic Party is subtle, but it most likely means that Texas will be able to deny or abridge the right to vote on account of age, at least during the November election.
  5. How is it possible that so many of these fucking dipshit R's planning their convention have a "medical condition" that prevents their use of a mask? Such horseshit. Jan Duncan, if you have such a condition then perhaps stay the fuck home and respect others, as opposed to all the HEB and other visits you plainly state you're making all the time. My dad has a fucking incurable lung condition of fibrosis, that no one knows why it happened, that impedes his breathing. He only goes to dr. appointments but when he does, he fucking wears a mask. Because you know what would make it even harder for him to breathe? Covid. And death. Because if he gets this shit, it's lights out. But the shitstains in charge of running our state can't be bothered to respect anything but their fucking bullshit fake feelings and rights regarding wearing a piece of gotdamn cloth.
  6. His name is pronounced Tooberville. A tuber is a potato. I hope he doesn't die in a fire. But if he dies, he dies.
  7. Does she have some sort of injury that prevents her from holding her head up straight?
  8. I really want to punch this blonde man in the head.
  9. I feel like the anger that is correlated with the very stupid exists because the very stupid are angry at themselves, deep down.
  10. it should be simple enough tp prove that he was informed.
  11. Oh yes, I remember Moe's portrayal of Hitler, it was awesome. They cleverly fictionalized the character as "Franz Schickelgruber." No lie.
  12. So...the woman who was exposed as a grifter who took PPP money she shouldn't have, and got some nice luxury items from a Go Fund me, is going even bigger and bolder? Guess we should expect no less in the Trump age of no consequences.
  13. Pete Davidson was right the first time
  14. Please clarify this for me: I could have sworn that the TX supremes said that election administrators or other officials are not REQUIRED to inquire about disability.... not that they are in fact prohibited from doing so. This is the one thing that gives me pause.
  15. But at least we dodged a bullet by not electing Hillary, she would have done so much worse with this pandemic response, you could hardly believe it.
  16. I think it's a silent message to vote for Joe.
  17. Dipshits like him are all over the upper echelons of R power. I can think of no greater embodiment of unearned white privilege than going through the Ivy's on such little merit and then rising to governor after telling everyone not to "monkey this up" by voting for his black opponent.
  18. I knew about the extreme focus on the STAAR test and what rides on it....but I guess not that, quite literally, the ENTIRE last 3 months of the school year is dumbed-down review with no actual learning at all. That's just criminal.
  19. I have a rising 5th grader. The amount of "work" they had these kids doing for the end of their 4th grade year was laughable. Almost none. Interestingly, the teachers kept telling them "this "you were already taught this, there aren't any new concepts to teach for the rest of the year." So apparently, all that happens from March onward is teaching to the STAAR test (in regular years). Fuck that. I feel like I got a pretty great education as a kid, and mine shocks me with the low level of spelling/writing etc. he can do, even though he gets great grades. More remote learning is going to suck ass, but I'm not sending him into a full week of closed classroom stuff. Also, I have nothing against Dr. Cruz (AISD superintendent) but he resigned months ago and is having to ride out his contract with no one chosen to replace him yet. Seems like a really bad time to have a leader with one foot out the door and probably wholly fucking sick of all the shit AISD specifically has had to deal with this past school year.
  20. I wouldn't be considering air travel for vacation purposes anytime in the next several months....kinda blows my mind.
  21. I think the Occam's Razor answer for me is that Barr is just Bannonesque --- simply wants to dismantle the systems that have kept the country going -- the "administrative state," if you will-- letting everything fall to pieces so the looting by the privileged class can continue completely unchecked and unabated.
  22. This is what weirds me out. I get that for whatever sick reason, Barr is all about that executive power and riding roughshod over checks and balances. But to do that for THIS particular executive who is an international embarrassment and is using that power to destroy the standing and institutions of the whole country? And he knew that going in.
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