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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. oh because "now is not the time to politicize" things, according to the GOP's playbook of mass shootings etc. That's how it would play. There is never a time to lead, according to the cynical, grifter GOP.
  2. Watch Stepping Razor Red X. Peter Tosh had a lot of wise things to say about this sort of thing. In his time, it was colonial apartheid Jamaica. Black people here feel, with some good reason, they are under a similar shitstem (his phrasing). Even good, humble, dignified. prideful people begin to break down and commit crime. Just as the powers that be smugly prepare for and exploit. Not justifying ANY violent assault by anyone. But violence cannot be justified or ignored on one side and excoriated on the other without a human-nature consequence.
  3. Well of course they will. Because Trump is just the victim. And now he's the hero with tuff talk and military threats.
  4. Yesterday, I left my Austin bubble and drove to Johnson City. The number of fucking HUGE "Trump 2020", "Keep America Great", and "Vote Republican --Protect the Constitution" signs and banners, with no D or Biden signs at all. I guess not surprising but really disheartening. Why are rurals assholes?
  5. Did I miss somewhere that Joe Biden is under criminal investigation?
  6. He's not really into the car parade idea (which I'm glad of) but maybe we'll get some friends to surprise him on Zoom. Thanks. Think we're going to trek to the drive-thru safari zoo in Johnson City and with gifts and cake, he'll probably be cool. Floating the river is an idea, although everything like that feels like I'd have to overcome inertia to get it organized and spouse sure as shit wouldn't be willing to do that. Got kind of a weird spousal situation and sometimes feel like a single parent. We do have a trip planned to the hill country for June 7, some resort that's basically self-contained condos w/kitchens, we'll bring our own food and hike etc, no housekeeping during the stay. I don't know if that's safe enough -- will they have people in our unit right before us, is check-in pretty contactless?....but I'm starting to feel like some risk is inevitable if we are ever going to leave the house and do something. Which I desperately need, for sure. Thanks for the ideas.
  7. I have one kid, a boy who will turn 10 next Friday. If I didn't already feel a bit guilty about having an only child, I sure as shit do now. He's a social kid who is now on the devices all the damn time because it's his only connection to friends. His birthday will be lonely, summer camps are up in the air and anxiety-producing even if they go forward, and now 3 canceled vacations that were going to be awesome. This is all just really sad, and for me, the lack of any idea of an end point is psychologically fucking me up. Now I'm starting to worry about my job security, with Abbott's 5% budget cut mandate (which our agency told us is just the beginning).
  8. This guy didn't succeed but not for lack of trying when he set fire to a home where his targets were sleeping https://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/Law-student-charged-with-arson-attempted-murder-5704818.php He was my intern to whom I was teaching criminal law when he did this and was arrested, lol
  9. I believe the dep't officially gave a bullshit response of "we shouldn't assume that non-public students don't need help too." Um you're literally the department of public education...that's why you exist as a government agency....for kids who need a public education..godDAMN
  10. The idea that "it should take some effort to vote" is dripping with privilege. I wish there were an egalitarian way to make sure people knew who and what the fuck they were voting for, but that's a separate issue. For so many blue-collar and/or inner-city residents, voting can be a herculean effort, and the Rs want to keep it that way.
  11. Well, employment was nice while it lasted. If my agency cuts anyone, I'm last-in-first-out, even though I've been there 15 yrs. I gotta say, I'm a little shocked that some of y'all will traipse through all kinds of stores in order to look for stuff to..... help lower your risk. Fyi, there are a lot of non-Amazon companies selling hand sanitizer specifically, just order online and get it delivered. Google's your pal. I found one in the Houston area called wrist-bands.com (of all things), shipping was fast AF and by the smell, the 70% alcohol claim is legit. Got a gallon jug.
  12. huh? That's exactly what he said.
  13. What an absolute disgrace. And even more disgraceful that we're all desensitized to it now. And to think about Moscow Mitch's comment that it was "classless" for Obama to comment on the administration after him. Just fuck them all with a rusty saw blade.
  14. Admittedly, I haven't closely followed the Flynn saga. But this DOJ statement sounds like cherry-picked advocacy rather than objective analysis. And also, reeks of bullshit. Anyone want to educate me?
  15. SIAP: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/donald-trump-leads-joe-biden-by-two-points-across-six-battleground-states/ar-BB13Jp8W Thoughts?? President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden by two points in six battlegrounds states, a new poll has found.
  16. Abbott has always sucked, from long before Trump. Typical corporatist Texas Repub, only he's also a "true believer" religious bitch.
  17. Does anyone get to ask Gov Hot Wheels questions ever? Like this one: What has changed to allow reopening that hasn't been the case up until now?
  18. Could it be possible for Obama to save the country from outside the office of the presidency, by using reverse psychology on the Toddler-in-Chief to get him to DO SOMETHING ?
  19. Pete Davidson was right. Team Pete.
  20. This chode is a W fantard. The most disastrous presidency of our lifetime until the current one --- which was apparent before he was elected a second time -- and this guy wants to talk about Obama's "nacissism" and Hillary riding coattails (hint: she had preemininent qualifications in her own right no matter what else you think about her)...and claims most Dems support abortion on demand until birth. Troll job, right?
  21. His brave sacrifice was all for nought since he can't now contribute to herd immunity. SAD
  22. J. F. C. What the fuck has Oprah wrought bringing these fucksticks into the national consciousness? I don't mind her, but she seems to not be a good judge of character...
  23. my sister-in-law is Church of Christ. And also a UT Law grad (as I am, for full disclosure purposes) and she is entirely anti-intellectual. I don't think it's purposeful for her...she doesn't actively seek out political positions or engage in any of that..but she's the most bubble-wrapped ACU family type person I've known. It blows my mind because I feel like UT law does teach critical thinking/questioning but you either embrace that or you keep on with your bubble life after leaving your education behind.
  24. The thing is that Abbott, Patrick, and the rest of the Trump ghouls actively want people in the blue spots (i.e cities) to become infected, and then they claim that local R leadership would have been better. Even though they're the ones telling people to open up (and enough will open in the cities to ensure infection spikes). It doesn't even need to make sense, it's enough to keep the R rube train going strong. The R's will always have the advantage unless society can overcome their obstacles to education.
  25. Seriously FUCK you RAND (and your stupid name)..He's expecting people to miss the forest for the trees. The ideologically and morally bankrupt intersection of supposed libertarianism and conservativism is putrid and has gotten us to this shitty point. The system has favored these guys and now is the time to dismantle all the empty, deceptive arguments in favor of their crony capitalism. I'm not even a lefty-liberal but it's pretty much all that makes sense anymore. Their shit has failed, utterly, apart from the .5% who can cloister behind stone walls.
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