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Certifiably Surly
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Hate last won the day on April 24 2020

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  1. I guess I need to stay out of folks business. I have no idea what the first sentence means.
  2. And another great show from this date, 3/28/81 from Rockpalast in Essen, Germany (although back then it would have been West Germany). This show has terrific sound and video. I'm not really sure why, but I was thinking about YGIFS today and this show has a solid "He's Gone".
  3. This was part of the legendary Spring '90 run at Nassau Coliseum.
  4. Nobody would fault you for not knowing. You are being ridiculed because you called someone out that did know and then double downed.
  5. You should wear your Yankee gear while you are there.
  6. I’m starting to think this has to be a bit by helobious. On the Richter scale, an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 releases about 32 times more energy than one of magnitude 7.7, indicating a significant increase in destructive power. Here's a breakdown of the difference: Richter Scale: The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale, meaning each whole number increase represents a tenfold increase in the amplitude of seismic waves and a much larger increase in energy released. 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake: A 7.7 magnitude earthquake is considered a major earthquake, capable of causing serious damage over large areas. 8.0 Magnitude Earthquake: An 8.0 magnitude earthquake is classified as a great earthquake, potentially causing widespread destruction and loss of life.
  7. Any store other than pet stores. And even then unless you are taking them to get groomed it’s stupid to take your dog there. Take your dog to dog park if you want them socialized.
  8. Video got deleted. Where did the guy piss on the plane?
  9. With what shit?
  10. What kind of snake is this? My son saw it near our neighborhood pond. Is it a cottonmouth?
  11. Well, leaving a young child at home is frowned upon up to a certain age.
  12. Dogs belong in pet stores only. Anywhere else it’s about the owner showing off their dogs and how great of an owner they are. Leave your fuckig dog at home.
  13. This 100%. They don’t belong at any store other than Petco or Petsmart. Leave your damn dog at home or order online.
  14. York is a wonderful little seaside town. Stay at the Union Bluff Hotel and get a room in the Annex. Go down to the corner liquor store and get your preferred beverage (bourbon for me). Make cocktails in your room and sit the Adirondack chairs in the grass and just watch the waves roll into the beach.
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