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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. I have no idea if this will work or not, but I hope it does. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/VkM7LwVMCsrcRFgK/?mibextid=UalRPS
  2. I’ve been like this for a few years now. I’ve never been to the Jerryworld and I never will. I hate everything this franchise has become.
  3. Sometimes it’s just not your day.
  4. Jesus fucking Christ. DeMeco had better be in their faces on the sideline. Bench fucking Tunsil until he gets his fucking head in the game.
  5. Tonight couldn’t have gone any better. This will quiet some of the noise about Arch starting. Ewers comes back healthy for the rest of the year and Arch takes over next year just as planned.
  6. JJ has always been a perv. He talked about how good Troy Aikman looked in the shower. He talked about gloryholes. He’s an embarrassment.
  7. This has great sound. the High Time and Black Peter stand out for me.
  8. And this is what finally got me on board. I travel quite a bit now and I know my wife and son would not be able to roll out the generator and connect it. I also got a 7 year warranty which is nice.
  9. Once I saw the news about a potential storm in the gulf, I called and moved up my installation. It will be installed next Friday.
  10. It was 15k.
  11. lol…City of Houston sucks. My 26kw generator was purchased yesterday and will be installed next Friday.
  12. How in the goddamn mother fucking hell did you forget that Jesus can save you?
  13. I was today's year old that I learned a lot of Dead & Co. shows are on Amazon Video. I'm currently listening to 12/2/17...the show at the Frank Erwin Center. I went to the show with Wolfgang (YGIFS). That was a fantastic night and it rekindled my love of the Grateful Dead. That night changed my life again and I'm so glad that Wolfgang and I went to that show! https://www.amazon.com/Dead-Company-Live-Austin-Texas/dp/B097Z24GG6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36T5O3FD0SMXQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cTHjZMphE2lDCqLJkWqTgI-G1XOAnh-aElv0oQpwJ6U1JlpQlEK0MSrjn26gj1fZ2o6F5WHe-jOfr-1QkZrV-4uXiUAsMRZTtR_4FWgT7ORh6VE6kNSes7hIQ8gsQRl78lpMcGAvj1RoL8do2dEKXM0jg4RL8RXxqX_KBVIPuxI0-6XuNSoe15vFS675lIuawk7UE7-RYqHcV8ChOZTrIcXm2kLwlbxgmqlW08Alqdk.-lzZA3xBbIiBfBfrRCx_k--iH3jz5_H6SChxs4dwgKQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=dead+and+company+12%2F2%2F17&qid=1726712124&s=instant-video&sprefix=dead+and+company+12%2F2%2F17%2Cinstant-video%2C102&sr=1-1
  14. I love the artwork. And this show has great sound and an interesting set list. I'm looking forward to the Throwin'Stones>The Wheel>Truckin'>Wharf Rat>Around and Around>One more Saturday Night finish!
  15. Look, I don't care if they put bollards there or not. I do not believe they are necessary. This was a one time event. Cars and pipelines have coexisted for a very long time with this being the first recorded such event. But if you and Cap want to run a picket for bollards once the flames go out, go ahead.
  16. This needs to be 1991 and Super Tecmo Bowl. The Aikman, Smith, and Irvin were all on the team. You could win playing with those Cowboys,
  17. I've never once said that the companies shouldn't do it based on the economic impact. I've said that it is unnecessary as the risk of a similar event seems to be minuscule.
  18. Yet this had never occurred before. And the "traffic" didn't even come from the goddamn road. It came from the parking lot. Maybe the store ought to put up bollards to keep cars in the parking lot. Edit: and Captainant absolutely made it about "energy" companies earlier. You may not care, but he certainly does.
  19. No, I'm generally trying to figure out why you feel that something over 100 feet away from a road with 2 fences around it is unsafe. It took an unbelievably rare event for this to happen. There is no evidence of something like this ever happening before despite there being millions and millions of opportunities for it to have had occurred.
  20. Jesus Christ. Do you let your children play in the front yard of your house? If so, you should put some bollards around them because they are closer to "traffic" flow than this pipeline station is. It's over 100 feet away from the road. There is no reasonable expectation that you would ever have traffic where the station is. You just want to point the finger at big bad oil and capitalism. That's it.
  21. I went back and looked, but the screenshot of the area didn’t post before. This is the area in question.
  22. Vehicular “traffic”?? There was no “traffic”. An old person most likely had a medical event that sent the car into an area where there is no “traffic”. You are over reacting.
  23. What Oxdeadbeef said.
  24. and yet millions of cars passed by this area safely over the last 22 years. Millions of cars pass by similar sites every day without incident. This was a unique event.
  25. For shits and giggles I looked at the site of the explosion in Google maps. Using the past images feature, I was able to see that the pipeline was installed somewhere between 1995-2002. The houses that were near the explosion were not there at the time. Let’s assume that it was 2002 when the pipeline was installed. That means the pipeline existed without issue for at least 22 years including during a period of extensive construction near the site. Like I said, there is no reason to over react to this incident.
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