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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. No, I'm generally trying to figure out why you feel that something over 100 feet away from a road with 2 fences around it is unsafe. It took an unbelievably rare event for this to happen. There is no evidence of something like this ever happening before despite there being millions and millions of opportunities for it to have had occurred.
  2. Jesus Christ. Do you let your children play in the front yard of your house? If so, you should put some bollards around them because they are closer to "traffic" flow than this pipeline station is. It's over 100 feet away from the road. There is no reasonable expectation that you would ever have traffic where the station is. You just want to point the finger at big bad oil and capitalism. That's it.
  3. I went back and looked, but the screenshot of the area didn’t post before. This is the area in question.
  4. Vehicular “traffic”?? There was no “traffic”. An old person most likely had a medical event that sent the car into an area where there is no “traffic”. You are over reacting.
  5. What Oxdeadbeef said.
  6. and yet millions of cars passed by this area safely over the last 22 years. Millions of cars pass by similar sites every day without incident. This was a unique event.
  7. For shits and giggles I looked at the site of the explosion in Google maps. Using the past images feature, I was able to see that the pipeline was installed somewhere between 1995-2002. The houses that were near the explosion were not there at the time. Let’s assume that it was 2002 when the pipeline was installed. That means the pipeline existed without issue for at least 22 years including during a period of extensive construction near the site. Like I said, there is no reason to over react to this incident.
  8. The accountable person likely died in the explosion.
  9. Nobody questions his ability to pass block. Everyone should continue to question his ability to stay set until the ball is snapped.
  10. Why is it not guarded 24x7 by Seal Team 6? I know there are a lot of old people in North Texas.
  11. I was working for a General Contractor and had to go to different parts of DFW every day to provide estimates.
  12. While I can appreciate the severity of this situation and feel terribly for the families impacted, this is a fairly unique event. I don’t think it requires any kind of an overreaction. Those valves are pretty ubiquitous and are pretty safe until some old lady has a medical event and plows into it while driving backwards from a shopping center.
  13. No. This was the only one in the entire country.
  14. That pipeline was pretty damn far away from any traffic. The fence was sufficient for many years.
  15. I used Mapsco every single day when I lived in Dallas.
  16. I’ve been sitting on the porch drinking bourbon and watching the lunar eclipse. It’s been a very nice evening here in The Woodlands. It’s not cool, but I’m still wearing my work clothes and not even sweating. This would not be possible a few weeks ago.
  17. I could not agree with this any more...but I would also add Demeco. He is just perfect for this franchise and this city. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention Hannah. She has done a remarkable job of turning the perception of Cal completely around. The FUCKING ROOF WAS OPEN IN SEPTEMBER! The fans have been screaming for the roof to be open for years. She seems to really be plugged into the fans of this team and doing her best to keep them happy. I've never been happier about this team, that is for sure.
  18. How many other places has a fence been sufficient? This appears to be a very unique event.
  19. Ashleigh.
  20. Usually you have to wait until the playoffs to see the Cowboys shit the bed like that. I line they are getting ahead of it this year so y’all can find another cheering interest for Sunday like I have done.
  21. Chicago’s defense is really good. That was a fistfight that the Texans won. I wish DeMeco had gone for it on that short 4th down. But other than that, they are 2-0 and still pretty healthy. They’ve got a 2 games lead in the entire division as well! You couldn’t ask for too much more this early in the year.
  22. It’s just ridiculous how many false starts he has.
  23. They should have gone for it.
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