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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. They definitely need a WR. Diggs isn’t likely to be back, Dell may never play again, and Menchie has been a big disappointment after coming back from his cancer.
  2. I put someone on ignore several years ago because his only posts were the same stupid fucking trope every time: not enough thoughts and prayers it’s a feature not a bug This is America All the same stuff that does absolutely nothing to generate discussion. Since then there have been a bunch of other posters pick up the stupid fucking trope flag so maybe my ignore list should be much longer.
  3. A solid show from this date in 73!
  4. Hate

    2025 Drunk Thread

    I’ll gladly join in! Cheers!
  5. I just read that Wemby has already shot over 400 3pt shots this year…geezus.
  6. Christmas is gone…easy!!
  7. I want to know what Helobious has to say so we know that definitively the opposite will happen.
  8. Keep kicking it ass!! My bloodwork came back good today. My next appointment is in October which will be 2 years. My doctor said the chance of recurrence drops dramatically after 2 years, so I’m hoping for continued good news in October…other than FINALLY beating ou in consecutive years.
  9. I’m about to hit the road again for a short trip, so I thought I’d listen to a show tonight. I’m about I check out the High Time. I LOVE a good High Time!
  10. I'm taking my son to DC in a couple of weeks and we will go see The Wall. I'm already getting emotional about it and I'm not really sure how I'm going to hold it together when he makes a rubbing of his Grandfather's name. I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to put this but I know the posters on this thread will understand.
  11. Don't forget Stroud. Dude is really really good.
  12. Holy shit. I just found this video of the last part if Looks Like Rain from my first show, 6/13/93. I had been told that it was the first time Bobby had ever played acoustic for LL Rain. I wish they would just release the entire show!
  13. The only similarity is that Stafford also played for a moribund franchise. I'd take Stafford over Dak all day every day.
  14. Start the revolution…or don’t.
  15. I won’t watch that one either.
  16. Why the hell not?
  17. That’s a trip to the think about, “change the universe around us”.
  18. I just got off a 3 consecutive weeks on the road. It feels good to be at home although I'm supposed to have a quick trip to the East Coast next week. We'll see if it happens because of the weather. Anyway, I keep finding myself going back to 6/20/80. It's become a top 15 show for me.
  19. The site would be much better if more people would check this box.
  20. I will be flying into/out of Reagan 2 times in the next 3 weeks. It’s been nice knowing you.
  21. It’s not a planet killer, but if it could just land on Jerry Jones’ yacht with him in it that would be nice.
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