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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Continuing my early 80's kick tonight.
  2. So subtly funny. He was always great. RIP...this is just another reason getting old sucks. You watch all of your screen favorites die.
  3. It was on the news every night in SA when I was a kid. Scared the shit out of me.
  4. It only has a 20% chance of development over the next 7 days.
  5. Timely bump for me. I’m planning a trip there in late July. I’ve been before but it has been a really long time.
  6. The JC Penny catalog would let a little nipple slip every once in a while, but the Sears catalog was the gold standard of the day.
  7. I really really love long lead ins to Wharf Rat and this show has a wonderful one.
  8. Might As Well get the weekend started off right.
  9. Fuck that...drink it up. I can't wait to see the team back where they belong. Now figure out basketball and CDC will be an all time legend..although he is already pretty close. The next 15 years should be a lot of fun in Austin.
  10. Holy shit!. That is greatness.
  11. That’s not cool to drink all of her beer.
  12. I’ve done similar things to my wife…had a second remote to keep changing the channel when she was surfing, had second garage door opener to keep opening/closing the door when she tried to operate it, etc. good times
  13. I was cheering for Edmonton for a couple of reason. One, I wanted to see sports history made. And two, I always liked Edmonton growing up watching hockey in the 80’s. Oh well, it was a good series and I’m glad there ended up being some drama. I was really hoping for a 2 or 3 OT Game 7. That would have been epic.
  14. Before the series started, a friend was asking a larger friend group which team to cheer for as he disliked both teams. He said that if the aggies won, a bunch of his friends would be very happy. Another friend then asked him if any of those Aggie’s would be cheering for UT to win so he would be happy…he commented “good point…go Tennessee!!”.
  15. Kim Castro from KHOU is moving up my charts.
  16. This is probably in my top 10 movies of all time. I love everything about this movie. This is the best baseball movie ever and it isn't even close.
  17. There is absolutely nothing I need to see that badly.
  18. Hell yes!! What a great lead in to Wharf Rat!!
  19. And of course this one has a Black Peter that I cannot stop listening to. Goddamnit...I need to go to bed but I cannot stop listening to it.
  20. And another "early" 80's show that is fantastic!
  21. Man that ball got outta here in a hurry. I mean anything travels that far oughta have a damn stewardess on it, don't you think?
  22. Shirley you can’t be serious. Covid was politicized from the moment it was first reported.
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