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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Yeah, I’m in my office today…downtown!
  2. Lake Buchanan is going to get a nice bump. It’s already up 8 feet since 5/5.
  3. Holy Crap. I wonder if my building did? It got really windy here in The Woodlands, but we escaped the worst of it. The power flickered about 10 or 15 times, but it always came back on. I guess since they had to replce so much infrastructure near us from a similar storm last year that it held up this year. I hope it comes on for you down in Htown.
  4. You lost me at golf courses.
  5. Yes!
  6. If he’s really a magician, can’t he make these allegations disappear?
  7. When all else fails, don’t the difference.
  8. The new comes out on Thursday. It should be a little improved.
  9. Mark me down for creepy too. I’ve never understood it.
  10. Every new poster claims they’re a woman…how do we know for sure you are one?
  11. The Colorado is up again this morning. We may get another couple of feet.
  12. Aren't we a little overdue for a Memorial Day flood?
  13. Another fine show form May of 77!! 5/11/77 from the St Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.
  14. Might as well run it back tonight.
  15. Those bigger numbers keep moving a little west.
  16. Absolutely getting recharged being home for a few weeks. I'm probably back on the road at the end of the month for a few weeks, so I am very much enjoying getting a little drunk at home on a Friday night.
  17. Holy crap...that is phenomenal.
  18. The totals are trending upwards for the Highlad Lakes. If we get another 5 or 6 inches of rain around San Saba, Lake Buchanan will be in great shape for the summer.
  19. Just bustin balls. Yes, I’d take a dry house over one with water in it every day. and I still bitch about old Austin. I’ll never move back to Austin.
  20. You moved from Houston in part due to the rain, and now you are in Austin complaining about the lack of rain??
  21. You’ve spent too much time with eeyoreTexan.
  22. On a positive note, my bloodwork came back clean! I test again in September.
  23. Damn…keep fighting it 7. Fuck cancer!
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