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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Jesus....The Other One into Wharf Rat is just out of this fucking world! 7/7/89 and 5/28/77 wer my leaders in the clubhouse for Wharf Rat, but this "in between" is just fantastic. Just the right mount of tension and suspense! To quote Willy Wonka: "The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last."
  2. Turkish women are fucking hot!! I dated one just after high school. Her mom was hot too!
  3. In the Northern Hemisphere. They spin the other way in Australia.
  4. You're goodamn right I'm going to The Mosque tonight! The second set is pure smoke!
  5. That was from February.
  6. I don't wish this on anyone other than Jerry Jones. It's really going to suck if she can't kick this.
  7. What's better than being drunk and singing old country music at the top of your lungs on a Friday night??
  8. Hate

    Getting old sucks

    That's fucking awful. I'll have a drink or two for you.
  9. Yeah, I might just throw a few back to kick off a three day bender!
  10. It’s amazing how fast the soil in the Hill Country dries out. It’s not very deep so it makes sense, but these areas have had quite a bit of rain over the last couple of weeks. The good news is that Lake Buchanan keeps on getting lucky with rain falling in the perfect spot every few days. I was there the first weekend in May. It’s up over 11 feet since then and should get another foot or two over the next couple of days.
  11. Yeah, she was recording vertically. Clearly he grabbed the phone and tried, but he would have had to start a new video.
  12. Lake Buchanan wins again today!!
  13. My wife is also an SLP (went to grad school and worked with @YGIFS wife). I’m going to show her this thread because Speech in the public schools is always overlooked. She gets her career satisfaction knowing that she has helped kids literally change their lives with her work. It’s heart warming to hear some Surlies have benefitted from speech therapy and know just what a difference it has made in their lives!
  14. Consider yourself blessed.
  15. Damn…40 years ago was not the 1930’s. It was 1984. That’s fucked up.
  16. Bell Helicopter had a manufacturing plant in Tehran during the 70's.
  17. I've been on a bit of a Bobby kick lately, so I'm all about Black Throated Wind tonight.
  18. I think what you meant was a busted asshole link.
  19. Hell yes I'm kicking off the weekend with his Gem from May of 77!
  20. Born and raised SA, ese. Every single mention of SA in film or song made it a favorite.
  21. Loved Dabney in everything I ever saw him in. Rest in Peace.
  22. It shows sustained winds. Over a few hours. It does not show the 100+ wind gusts that were measured. There were over 120 mph wind gusts in The Woodlands which is 80 miles away from landfall. But you know what? It’s a stupid fight to pick. Hope everyone gets their power on soon and lives back in order.
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