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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Of course I am going to celebrate the 47th anniversary of a legendary show. It's not the greatest show ever, imo, because the set-list isn't perfect...but it's close. This show has my favorite They Love Each Other, Jack Straw, Brown Eyed Women, Row Jimmy, Scarlet>Fire, and a damn fine St Stephen>Not Fade Away>St Stephen. The Morning Dew is up there too, but there are some out there I like more. The sound of this show is just amazing. It's in the Library of Congress for a reason.
  2. Hell yes!!! I go for my follow up blood work tomorrow. It's always an anxious time.
  3. Tomorrow could be fuck in Texas and across The South.
  4. Yeah, finally the LCRA decides to favor Lake Buchanan. Here are the latest models for the next week:
  5. We just had the perfect bullseye rain bomb on Lake Buchanan. Cheer up Eeyore, good things can happen.
  6. Latest Euro model could really bode well for Lake Buchanan over the next week. Three inches of rain over the watershed would bri g it up another foot or two.
  7. Hopefully the perp does the right thing and eats a bullet.
  8. Lake Buchanan up over 6 feet since Sunday morning and more to come. We may actually be able to get to the water without walking 10 minutes.
  9. I admire your drunkenness. I’ve taken a couple days off after a 3 day golf weekend with my buddies. My liver is on strike.
  10. You have some cool in-laws!! Did you name her Scarlet? Bertha? Delilah? congrats on the daughter. How she and momma are good!
  11. I have zero doubt that tornado was an EF-4 at least. Debris going 30k into the air indicates an incredibly powerful storm. It may end up being borderline EF-5 damage at some places along the tornado’s path.
  12. They’ll find the responsible parties. Hell, the cartels may find them and take care of them themselves. Nobody wants this kind of press there. They need the tourist $$.
  13. We’ve argued over dumber things.
  14. Rain bomb speaks more to a very specific area that had a lot of rain in a short period of time as opposed to a wide spread flooding event. I think when used properly, it paints the picture correctly.
  15. We ended up with 14 inches of rain Thursday-Sunday. There are some models calling for another round of flooding rains fro SE Texas this weekend.
  16. And for reference, I took this screenshot of the river flow rates Saturday night when the rain really began.
  17. I was at Lake Buchanan this weekend and it absolutely poured Saturday night. I kept checking the LCRA website for flow rates and that rain bomb could not have hit in a more perfect place for the lake. I checked before I left Sunday morning and the lake level was 995.92. That was before any of the run off from upstream had made it to the lake. It’s up over 2 feet and it will take another day at least for the streams to empty.
  18. I don’t know why anyone would live in OK during the month of May. They should just close the state down and pick up where the left off in June.
  19. I ain’t sayin she’s a gold digger…
  20. Many years ago when Kinky was running for governor, he held a campaign rally. One news station reported that Kinky was surrounded by hundreds of enthusiastic supporters while yet another news station reported the evening as disappointing because they were expected thousands of people but only hundreds showed up. So what was the actual news? Unless you personally witness an event, expect some spin on whatever you see on TV or read on the web.
  21. I "get it", but parking at "C brown" is really easy. I always find a spot on the 3rd floor which is really easy for departing and arriving.
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