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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hate

  1. I’ll be at the Galvez for a couple of nights this week. I’m looking forward to watching the kid toss his cast net into the ocean as I drink whisky on

    the beach. Stop by, I’ll pour you a glass.


  2. I’d rather go back to the shag and watching shitting gifs while eating dinner rather than open a single thread in the politics board.  It’s where otherwise perfectly normal people go to check their brains at the door and hurl shit at people who think differently.  Buncha fucking mental patients. 

    That’s the truth.
    • Like 1
  3. Thank God the 1990s were such an innocent time.  We all know people like Ken Star and Gingrich had no political opinions or biases when going after Clinton.  
    Time to wrap the Peter Stzork Witch Hunt up.  Its gone on long enough and is costing tax payers too much.  Amirite,  Repubs?

    Completely agree. This was a stupid decision to have him publicly testify.
  4. 21 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Some people don't like attention or having a fuss made about them.  You should respect their feelings.

    I do.  I am strictly speaking about those that seem embarrassed to have not served in combat.  Their role in the military is crucial and the country could not be defended without their contributions.  

  5. 10 hours ago, Bender Bending Rodriguez said:

    Same here. I was at the bar Delirium in Brussels that boasts 2,000+ beers and a British couple bought my wife and I a Lone Star at midnight for NYE 2008/09. They were really good company, so of course we obliged. 

    A few days prior in Paris, we were close to our second full week abroad and treated ourselves to a cheeseburger and fries at the Hard Rock Cafe. We love tasing great local food when traveling, but see no shame in grabbing a comfort taste of home from time to time to patch things over. 

    We did something similar in Madrid.  We stopped at an "American" restaurant down by the Opera House.  

  6. I don’t discount my service.  I did not know I would never see combat.  
    I was willing to, if called.
    By the same token, the guy who DID get fired upon or face bodily harm had a different experience than I did.  It is not wrong to say so.

    I completely understand and agree with you. I was speaking to those that said they were almost “embarrassed” to accept thanks for serving.
  7. To any Veteran discounting their service because they didn't see "action" in a war zone, STOP!!!  Immediately STOP!!! Your service was every bit as important as the service of those on the front lines and those in war zones.  

    • Like 1

  8. best beach - joe the umbrella guy in front of the galvez.

    This is correct. I’ll be there at the end of next week. We are spending a couple of nights at the Galvez.
    • Like 1
  9. Bye, Kyle.  Good for him but in this years environment, or next years, he’s not worth almost 10 a year.  Nowhere close.  His agent is probably stunned.... he definitive developed and improved here although he never became the offensive passing wizard we hoped he could become.  Solid player but that contract is silly.....
    We need to go bargain shopping for another wing.  I think Bertrans comes back now....

    I had hoped with his skill set that he could develop into a Boris Diaw type player, but it turned out he didn’t have the strength or the basketball mind of Boris. Oh well, thanks Kyle. You’re leaving the Spurs without me hating you, so you have that going for you.
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