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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hate

  1. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have a guest worker program, as I have been supportive of that idea before. Im saying the Mexican government needs to declare war on the cartels and get rid of them once and for all. It won’t ever happen, but it should.

  2. Both parties sell their constituents down the river on immigration as it stands now.  The Dems are supposed to be about protecting low and middle income wages, and they don't. The Repubs are supposed to be about protecting the borders and they don't really want to. 

    Anytime the laws are actually enforced you stupid fucks whine about “racists”.
    • Like 1


    I’m sitting on the porch getting high, drinking bourbon and water, and listening to the Grateful Dead while watching the full moon rise. High!


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  3. My retard strength is useless sports information. All of my friends and family are sports fans as well to some degree. Some are into motor sports and some into soccer, but they are at least into some sports. All through my childhood and into my mid 30’s I would watch every game I could of my favorite teams and would watch all of the playoffs/championships of all college football, basketball, and baseball and of the 4 major sports in North America.These days if my team isn’t in it, I don’t watch it.


  4. I don’t want to ban shotguns and I don’t want to ban AR’s either. I think the logic that it was only 5 people so everyone is ok with it is fucked up. I would rather hear real ideas about how to stop this problem than how to “slow it down”.

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