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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hate

  1. i don't haven't the slightest idea why you are trying to interact with posters who offer nothing but condescending BS. its a fucking disease. ignore them.

    Did you just mention Brisket and condescension in the same sentence but refer to someone else? This is indeed madness.
  2. Bourdain was just peddling a different flavor of patronizing, patriarchal liberal bullshit that presumes that right-wingers and the rurals are feckless, emotional, incompetent pussies who can't take criticism or jokes. That may be a valid presumption, but it's way more insulting than, "Get your shit together you fucking rednecks." because at least that is built on the presumption that the rednecks can do better.
    The fact that he killed himself recently doesn't make his both-sides bullshit any more rational.
    RIP Tony

    He was probably reading Brisket’s posts.

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  3. I wish people would just come out and state why they really hate KD/Warriors vs. making up shit that does not make sense. 
    - Being a Rockets/Spurs/OKC fan
    - Hating Greene
    - Warriors are not urban enough
    - Hate Curry/Thompson for a sleuth of weak reasons including not being "black" enough
    - Hate UT so I hate KD
    - KD sold out, he should have to live in the OK shithole
    - KD is soft and could never carry a team, dumbest statement ever

    Have you read this thread? The reasons have been posted multiple times.
    • Like 1
  4. the best player on the team on back-to-back title teams.  
    dumbfucks like vic will always hate, but anyone who isn't a fucking idiot will understand his greatness. 

    I have never and will never question his greatness, but I still don’t like him.
    • Like 3
  5. I heard Eternity on St. Patrick’s Day of 94 in Chicago and it just seemed to last an eternity. Days Between I heard in Buffalo in June of 93 and it was fucking terrific. My favorite of the “new” songs was Lazy River Road.

  6. My ex-wife's grandmother's 2nd husbandfought at Guadalcanal. He would never talk about it. His story, though, made the romantic bits in "The Pacific" hit home though. After being wounded, he spent his recovery time in New Zealand and fell in love with my ex's grandmother. He shipped out, and they never saw each other again, until 40 years later. Both had been married, had families, and eventually lost their spouses. Someone on her side of the family tracked him down and they reunited, marrying soon after. They were married until cancer took him in the late 90's. She's still around and in her 90's.

    Thanks Simone.
  7. On 4/23/2018 at 10:36 AM, RDCanecutter said:

    I had some fun yesterday.

    One of my jobs is selling art online. I needed more storage space for about 100 small paintings, you can't just stack them. Once at Walmart I found some kind of dish drainer that works well as a Painting Storage Rack. It's the only one that ever worked right. So I go to Wally World to get some more Right Now.

    Walmart was all Poor People Shuffling Slowly. I didn't see the rack I wanted, so, out of a sense of morbid fascination, I approached two workers who were interrupting their conversation about a chicken place to place items on a shelf, to see if they had seen any other racks.

    The one with asymmetrically-placed false eyelashes came over to me. "Huuuuuuh... you wanna rack...." She had her phone out, Johnny-on-the-spot no doubt checking Walmart inventory. Then I saw that on her phone was the face of her coworker two aisles away, sharing a bon mot. "huuuuh... I'on know...."

    The child wandered off with her phone. She's the one who beat the other candidates at the job interview.

    I swung by Target to see if they had the same rack that I could get Right Now. Target was all Middle-Class People Being Important, clipping along with their butts tucked in planning the assault on Pointe du Hoc on their phones. "Yes We Are On Aisle 30 D Now We Will Finish In 5 Minutes And Then We Can Collaborate On The HOA Letter Re Dandylions."

    No damn rack there either.

    So I figure I'll do the modern thing, go home, get the brand and serial number off the racks I already have, slide a dildo up my ass, then order it from Amazon. So I unload a shitload of paintings off one rack, and-- nothing. Not a single mark of any sort. I must be looking at some Jack Ma Ali Baba Bootleg thing made from recycled Chinese death row prisoners.

    A search through hundreds of images on Google is fruitless. The racks I want must all now be floating in that plastic-choked dead zone in the Pacific. Nobody online has anything like it.

    Then it occurs to me-- I could just make it. I could make the same thing out of cardboard. I have a ton of strong clean cardboard, because eBay gives me shipping materials for free.

    Full circle.

    You still went ahead and slid the dildo up your ass, right?

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