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Everything posted by randygilman

  1. One proved the promise he showed at Houston was worth the move to Texas. He has coached and recruited very well. The other has proved to be unable to reel in a big fish in several different flavors of recruitment, and has not lived up to lofty though reasonable expectation.
  2. It’s one fucking rep
  3. Nonsense, Jimbo just went blow for blow with Kirby Smart
  4. Take him to Belo since he wants to be a journalism major or some shit
  5. Not concerned about losing a runningback to an air raid oc
  6. OU 2021: More loss-taking pussies
  7. Honestly, fuck @InsideTheTeam_
  8. Picking sides between Serbs and Germans? Is Surly a small Balkan country in the mid 1910s?
  9. That’s fuckin ballin
  10. A&M’s recent recruiting run
  11. If the commit doesn’t say “it was a game-changer,” than it didn’t change the game one bit
  12. John Chiles would have won the rose bowl
  13. Thanks for joining
  14. Who on the staff has strong Slavic ties?
  15. A USC offer inspires zero fear in me when it comes to Texas kids. Positive data point, but never anything to worry about
  16. “Make Price Grayshirt” also is peak aggy 247
  17. Hope none of you is the one engaging in unabashed dipshittery with Princely U on Twitter.
  18. There’s your answer.
  19. He didn’t watch
  20. So what do we do with this thread now
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