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Posts posted by randygilman

  1. On 11/5/2018 at 7:04 AM, Tired of Lurking said:

    It would be nice if we let them actually go through the ebb and flow of their performances before writing them off. 

    Some people just want to be right on the internet and smug even if it means their team suffers

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  2. 1 hour ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    We need an actual real offense, let alone an actual, real, offensive coordinator


    buuuuut we’ll keep fucking around with this dumbass setup/scheme/offense we have now and settle for 8-9 win seasons until herman is fired after year 5

    I actually like our offensive setup. It’s unique compared to the rest of the league that’s filled with pass happy offenses, and I think it sets up well to take advantage of matchups with defenses not used to that style. ISU has done it in spurts with much lesser talent.

    so while the offense is simple, it truly will come down to recruiting. As long as he keeps it going, he can keep it simple and likely have success.

    last year he kept that simple approach but had guys like Terrell cuney and Tristan Nickelson give great effort, but that was nowhere near enough to cut it. The TCU game was atrocious. The simple approach is back and the team has a bit more experience running it, and it’s showing. It’s 11 personnel with wrinkles but nothing groundbreaking is doing alright, but Texas expects better than alright. Worth noting 6-2 beats the hell out of the last four years, but Hand needs the hogs for it to truly succeed.

    “collaborative effort” as playcaller has been decent, but they do need a bone fide playcaller in this fine system to truly allow this program to take off under a promising head coach. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    I don’t give a shit if he was a troll. All he’d post is that he was guaranteeing us a win. Don’t like fucking with the mojo

    The recruiting board responds with "nah, fam."

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