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Everything posted by randygilman

  1. Shit, O'Sullivan showed ON-field issues this weekend.
  2. That's not much more than what he currently makes at his alma mater with an easier path to successes (whic h he has already traversed)
  3. Any name on that list has baseball left to play.
  4. we are going to sweep
  5. I am glad there are actual terms for this, and that someone also recognized it and was unhappy about the change. What was the new "post third down stop" music anyway? I kinda liked it, but it seemed to pop out of nowhere. Side note: It was funny to watch cheer members not participate in the eyes but when strong eyes and any other eyes adjacent song played, they were gung ho.
  6. Schloss has a top 5 team, is likely paid pretty good at TCU, is in the middle of a recruiting hot bed, and has to be better than 2-3 teams every year instead of 5-7. Why would he leave, especially considering there has been an obvious path to Omaha from Fort Worth, much, much moreso than one from Texas A&M? It would maybe make sense for Sarloos to do it, considering he hasn't been a head coach yet and would be moving up. It'd be a challenge. Taadlock isn't fucking leaving. Maybe they should make a run a Mainieri or the guy from Michigan.
  7. Real revelations with Witt and Nixon. Wenzel seems to be hit or miss with effectiveness but his mental makeup seems right. Stevens going six plus tomrowo would be a real positive sign. Let’s fuck em up and take a Big 12 series.
  8. what in the fuck is going on
  9. All Shaka does is raise banners in the Erwin Center.
  10. Maybe Vance is just... i don't know, but there has been a FUCKTON of discussion about other issues related to the university of texas. How hes' missed it while screaming on twitter every day, I don't know.
  11. I could not have thought of a better group of 26 to be on that committee, including one of the most prominent current athletes on campus in Eggleston, a Longhorn legend like Quan, brilliant professors like Brands and Rivas-Rodriguez, and of course Reddick himself. Well done all around, even if it was months later than it could have been.
  12. David Dennison believes institutions should be beheld solely to public perception. Quit engaging with him. If he believed his stated conclusions, he'd actually go the fuck away.
  13. I need a cigarrette after that outing. Fuck.
  14. If people are offended by the existence of the boogey man, which doesn't exist, they are more than welcome to continue to be offended by it. But just because they are welcome, potentially encouraged, possibly celebrated for their offense at the existence of the boogeyman, doesn't mean I can't call out that the boogeyman is made up.
  15. That sounds really loose,, tangential, manufactured, second hand, and dubious, especially considering not a single word of the Eyes of Texas, the thing actually at issue here, is racist in the slightest amount.
  16. Im not answering the question because it's the type of question that would drop directly out of Bevo's rectum.
  17. I don't care what you look like. If you are offended by something and your reasons behind the offense are loose, tangential, manufactured, second hand, and dubious, it doesn't matter what you look like; the reasons are still loose, tangential, manufactured, second hand, and dubious. No one is telling them what to be offended by. They are more than welcome to continue to be offended by it. Their offense is not based in reality. Good evening. This is going nowhere.
  18. Reality is reality. It does not care what you look like. It does not care what you believe. It does not care how fast your forty time is. Reality is reality, and the reality is that the only connections The Eyes of Texas has to racism are loose, tangential, manufactured and second hand, and dubious at the very best.
  19. Minstrely is shitty. Have you ever listened to the Eyes of Texas and thought, "you know what, this jolly old tune is celebrating minstrelry!" No. Because it doesn't. If they don't want to sing the song, they don't have to sing the song as the university has clearly that laid out. But if their reasoning for not singing the song is not based in reality, it's still not based in reality.
  20. I said none of those things. Overshown is free to share his opinoin. LHB members are free to share their opinion. Doesn't mean they aren't opinions, specifically concerning the eyes, with any basis in reality. And since every fucking thing needs qualifieers these days, of course I believe that emails, threats, and messages of ill will sent to any player are abhorrent bullshit that should not be tolerated. If you're going to step into the arena of public opinion on touchy issues, you better be ready to play a team and not run versus air.
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