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Posts posted by Alvin89

  1. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It doesn't matter.  No matter who sticks their head up to do anything, you and yours will 1) shit all over him, smear him into oblivion, and 2) ask why he isn't focusing more on black-on-black crime more.

    And don't wave MLK around, you hypocritical fuckers.  Just don't.  Your "team" in this culture fucking HATED MLK, and would hate him if he were alive today. 

    You fuckers hated him then.  You would hate him now, because he pissed you off, he challenged the existing power structure, and he spoke hard truth.

    No black leader would be satisfactory to you.  Not one.

    Tim Scott, Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Mia Love.

    • Fuck You 10
  2. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    Generally speaking: NOPE.  Not until the contract is up for renewal.  At which point the cops will whip up your base (you and your pals), accuse the city council of hating cops, and being namby pamby crime-enabling sissies, and they don't BACK THE BLUE, and this is just BLACK LIVES MATTER terrorists running the show....and they cave.

    So a democratic city council and mayor which most major cities have will cave to a group that would not vote for them in the first place because why?

    • Fuck You 11
  3. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    No, because they've been roped into the message you love -- "I'M TOUGH ON CRIME!  I BACK THE BLUE!"  The rot starts with WE THE PEOPLE.  That's the point.

    Who says I love that message? Fuck you. That cop murdered that guy and should be held accountable.

  4. 1 minute ago, gmr548 said:
    5 minutes ago, Alvin89 said:
    So democrats are against pensions for firefighters and cops? 

    Damn you really are illiterate. I'd tell you to go back to texags but you wouldn't be able to read it.

    Good for you

  5. 12 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Actually, he often doesn't.   The contract -- strong-armed by the police union -- governs.  And they almost always tie the hell out of the hands of senior police officials.  The police unions -- supported by public sentiment that you are I am sure VERY familiar with ("I BACK THE BLUE! I STAND WITH OUR HERO POLICE!") -- have regularly secured contracts that make them all but untouchable by disciplinary process.  And they can, because they have us over the barrel -- their option is to go on strike, and leave a city with no protection at all.

    We have let the fox guard the henhouse, and after not very much time, the fox starts doing fox things.

    That's a very good point about the unions, we often forget about that. Can the mayor or city councils over rule the police unions?

  6. 5 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

    Big city fire departments and police departments are usually led by whatever Alphabet minority group can get in power, with the rest of the department being made up of mostly your suburb dwelling stereotypical mans man types. There’s a reason Republicans advocate getting rid of pensions for government employees, except for firefighters and cops.

    So democrats are against pensions for firefighters and cops? 

    • Fuck You 19
  7. 10 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

    The police chief has nothing to do with the man being killed this week.

    The man in charge of the police has nothing to do with allowing officers to continue to police the streets even though they have a history of being a shitty cop?

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 1 minute ago, StassneyHorn said:


    The police chief literally sued the department with 4 others for being passed over for promotions back when he was a Lt. If you think changing a culture of an outfit can happen because the city voted for Democrats, when the majority of your force is probably white guys from the suburbs your not examining the situation correctly. 

    Minneapolis has had a Mayor from 1 party since 1974....Don't the mayors hire the police chiefs?

    • Fuck You 4
  9. 53 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Pay attention the narratives each get from the media and the country in general as opposed to peaceful protests from another demographic and you will see the root of what is wrong in this country. That demographic with guns = omg scary and thugs!! criminals!!" The other side with guns protesting = defending their rights and the constitution. I'd love to see how they would have reacted if the cops came and enticed them with tear gas and harassment. 

    Remember, all this rebellion started with peaceful protests. It got out of hand once they were purposely enticed by the cops. Calculated. To push the agenda that this side are animals and the other side is peaceful and great Muricans! It's all a game to them.

    The city Mayor is a Democrat, the police chief is black, and the governor is a Democrat. So who exactly is pushing the agenda in this specific situation?

    • Fuck You 9
  10. 8 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    NPR was talking about Section 230 and how it's repeal would change the internet forver. They said it protected websites (like Surly) from getting sued over copyrighted material. I hope we don't have to build a Surly warchest for lawsuits over Seinfeld gifs...

    It would seem both presidential candidate want 230 repealed. I don't see how it lasts.

  11. 1 minute ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    He's not stupid, it's just the actions of Donald are so indefensible that the usual suspects had to send in the Alvin sock 

    I stand with Van Jones. How about you?

    • Fuck You 17
  12. Just now, wildcat09 said:

    That President and AG tried to take the tiniest steps to fixing the conditions that resulted in the unrest in Ferguson and Baltimore. In response, racist morons like you lost their shit and elected the white supremacist psychopath who openly bragged about restoring the conditions that led to the unrest in Ferguson and Baltimore and encouraged police brutality. Eat shit, fuck off, go fuck yourself, etc. 

     What steps did he take?

    • Fuck You 8
  13. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Just remember, the political cult that runs this country has been all-in on "papiere, bitte" laws for years now.  And we continue to construct cage camps for undesirables.  Run by an administration staffed by unqualified cast-offs, many of them driven by single-minded loathing of immigrants/"the other."  Led by a megalomaniac bonafide psychopath.

    I mean....come the fuck on.   It's not even debatable anymore.  We are what we obviously appear to be.

    Remember when we could at least argue that we were the "Shining city on a hill?"  Today....we're a cautionary tale, and the greatest threat to the peace and stability of the entire planet.

    Which President put those cages to use first? Ferguson and Baltimore burned under the leadership of a black President and black AG. Give me a break

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 18
  14. 10 hours ago, Chet Steadman said:

    The Epstein docuseries just dropped.  I mean, we all knew what a POS he was, but one episode in and it’s already worse than I imagined.

    I foresee this reigniting the social media campaigns once again.  

    Epstein is obviously a world class POS and should go straight to hell.  Having said that a few of these girls come off as lying or were just as guilty as Maxwell in the whole scheme. Doesn’t change that Epstein was still awful but goodness. They also showed David Boies at press conferences representing some of the victims but never mentioned he represented Harvey Weinstein and stalked/threatened a woman while he was on the board of Theranos. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    Yeah I haven't listened to it yet, and I like LMJ too, but I have listened to some of his walkout podcast (which isn't bad if you enjoy MMA....Correa actually knows what he is talking about LMJ seems like a frontrunner and just sucks off the big names) and I watched some of the players league games he played mlb 2020 or whatever and oh my fucking god he says "BRO" like every sentence start almost.  It is almost unbearable bro.  So bro, I blame it on being a fucking Millennial 

    Pretty much sums it up. I had to roll my eyes on this podcast when he tries to breakdown why Conor lost to Khabib like he's Joe Rogan.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  16. 45 minutes ago, TonyTexas said:

    Did he mention that he earned $4.1 million last year despite not pitching an inning? Or that he hasn’t had a healthy season since entering the bigs in 2016?

    No but he did mention that he probably lost money since he tried to play hurt instead of just getting surgery when he first got injured lol  unreal

  17. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Check out Tecova's Facebook Group, they've already captured the hipster market share. Grown men are are arranging their boots and posting pics on social media for likes. 

    Mother of God...."Hey Tecovas brothers."  Unreal

  18. 9 hours ago, Scraps said:

    How many times did LMJ say "bro"?

    Over/under 55

    I love McCullers but in this interview he sounded like a slightly smarter version of Blake Snell to me. "We are putting our health at risk", "It's easy to burn through $750,000 if you make a million a year", "You can make $100,000 a year and only go through $30,000", "I have to buy flights for my family for every road trip and pay for food", "Some guys only have a few hundred grand in the bank", "People don't know about taxes", "Tom Glavin shouldn't have an opinion", "We have to be away from our families" then complains he might give his family the Covid since he will be with his family. All that shit was lame but I have high hopes that Lance and Eric will make this a great podcast. Gotta try the bourbon they were pimping out.

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